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The most effective method to Write a Book Review A book survey is a portrayal, basic investigation, and an assessment on the quality, which ...
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Ethnic Stereotyping
Ethnic Stereotyping Think Twice Before You JudgeEthnic stereotype is a false statement that has been repeated so many times that is accepted by many people as generally true. The use of ethnic stereotypes often leads to misunderstanding and hurt feelings. Some stereotypes, based on unbiased observations of actual behavior, can be accurate and useful. During my first semester at KCC my friend and I went to the library to get a current event from the T.V. for an upcoming assignment. As we were watching the news, she commented that she was afraid of North Korea more than Iraq because, and I quote, "Don't take this the wrong way, but Koreans are cruel ruthless killers." I was completely shocked and speechless. My Korean blood was boiling inside, but I managed to act cool and said that there are cruel people in every community. Of all things I didn't expect her to make a rude comment like that.J. and P. CoatsI felt really upset because she is my best friend and I couldn't possibly think why she said somethin g so rude and hurtful.Name-calling, pre-judgments, false assumptions of ethnic stereotyping are all examples of small-scaled problems in our society. Ethnic stereotyping can lead to irrational fear, suspicion and hate that will represent a major threat to democratic and open society. This can also lead to social harm when the categories we create to group people become the basis for prejudice. As a society we need to become more culturally competent. This is having cultural awareness and sensitivity towards others. Cultural competence teaches appropriate behaviors, respect and mutual understanding. We need to learn respect what we may not always understand another individuals experience. We need to accept the fact that we may not always know everything. We need to have the willingness to pursue information in...
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Social Responsibility essays
Social Responsibility essays Social Responsibility I dont think scientists should be obligated to consider and figure out how their work will affect society, if they decide to go through with it. Sometimes scientist might not even have their work planned, but then all of a sudden in a daze they formulate a calculation to improve something already in existence or invent something totally new. They would probably become so caught up that they might not think too much of the effects, but instead of seeing the bad contributions they see the good that could be used of their work. Also maybe they believe that the government would control it to where it only benefits society in a good way. If I were in Einsteins place I would probably feel slightly responsible for the consequence of the atomic bomb, which his research in physics helped create. Wonder if Einstein hadnt had come up with the way to create an atomic bomb. Then the Manhattan Project, lead by J.R. Oppenheimer, would have never began. If their atomic bomb wo uld have never been created then the Enola Gay wouldnt have been able to drop the bomb on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945. Even though their creation did result in massive casualties and deformities for many years after the bombing of Hiroshima, it probably saved more lives than it took. If the Japanese would have surrendered then Hiroshima would have never happened and even after the bombing they still wouldnt give up so three days later another bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. Without the dropping of the bombs World War 11 might have gone on, killing more people then possibly dropping the bomb resulted in. Why should scientist be the only ones to consider what type of effect their work would have on society. Writers should think about the effect their work might have. During the prelude of the Civil War Harriet Beecher Stowes book Uncle Toms Cabin was pub...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Letter Z Will Be Removed from the English Alphabet
The Letter Z Will Be Removed from the English Alphabet The Letter Z Will Be Removed from the English Alphabet The Letter Z Will Be Removed from the English Alphabet By Guest Author Surprising as it sounds, it looks like the English alphabet will be losing one of its letters on June 1st. The announcement came from the English Language Central Commission (ELCC). Here is a quote from the press release: After carefully considering and debating the matter for over two years, the ELCC came to the conclusion that the letter Z should be removed from the English alphabet. The main objective of this change is to simplify the phonetic aspect of the language, and to unify the American and British spellings. What will happen to the words that have the letter z in them? It depends on the word. According to the ELCC, words that started with a z will now start with an x. Examples include: zero becomes xero zoo becomes xoo zone becomes xone zodiac becomes xodiac Words that featured a z with the s sound, on the other hand, will now be officially written with the s (i.e., unifying the American and British spelling). Examples include: visualize becomes visualise analyze becomes analyse materialize becomes materialise What do you think about this change? Will it really simplify the English language, or will it make things more confusing? This post is an April fools prank. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Royal Order of Adjectives Abstract Nouns from AdjectivesPassed vs Past
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Fundraise to cure Autism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Fundraise to cure Autism - Essay Example Some of the explanations for the occurrence of autism are explained by the presence of heavy metal in the environment and pesticides or the vaccines given at child hood. The later lacks scientific proof and do not hold any fact. The prevalence of autism is said to have assumed an upward trend and for every 1,000 births in the US, 11 are diagnosed with autism-courtesy of the Centre for Disease Control (Belli, 24). With reference to autism, most of the children who are diagnosed cannot be given proper management of the disease for recovery due to their parent inability to pay for the cost of the management. Autism is not given direct medication; it is a collection of psychosocial intervention to give remedies in this situation, which includes; occupational therapy, language and speech therapy, structured teaching, and social skills among other (Struat,2011). The specialist who can offer the management of the condition needs payment, which may not be forthcoming to most of the parent. In a bid to show solidarity with the affected families, I call for a fundraising to help the families foot the bills for the medication purpose. I believe that through fundraising we are able to constitute a significant pool of resources that will enable us take care of the situation in helping our nation not to have generation that are not socially active. The fund raising is not stipulating any specific amount but will be a way of joining hands to realize a specific goals where individuals would have not made it. I therefore appeal the entire public to purpose contributing towards eradication of the condition amidst us. The two pictures displayed below shows the effect of the condition to a child who has not been given any attention in the management of the condition and one who has been attended to. This will help you understand the seriousness of the condition if left unattended (Randolph, 2012). Issues involving fundraising
Communication in business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
Communication in business - Essay Example Though we had some problems in the past, we have successfully overcome them and are now viewing ourselves as a socially responsible company that works in cooperation with the society and its individual members. We are committed to our consumers and stakeholders, and are actively supporting a number of CSR programs with the help of our worldwide CSR initiatives. The Coca-Cola Foundation has given us the knowledge and expertise on reaching out to people and communities all over the world. Therefore, on the basis of our own experience, as well as best world practices, in this letter we would like to address the following principles of United Nation’s Global Compact, which we view as the guiding principles for conducting business in current economic, political and social environment: Principle 4: Businesses should uphold the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor. Principle 8: Businesses should undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility (United Nations Global Compact, 2010). Protecting human rights and well-being of our planet are among the primary objectives of Coca Cola. We believe these aspects of business should be fundamental for every organization in order for all of us to help the planet be a better, safer and healthier place. Therefore, with regards to these Global Compact principles, we recommend that the members of the Australasian Local Network should: Develop and implement internal, integrated into corporate strategy and corporate culture, policies for preventing and fighting all forms of forced and compulsory labor. The companies are welcome and encouraged to take a look at, and view as an example, our Human Rights Statement (Staff, 2013). This document may serve as a guide for developing own, company-specific, set of policies and strategies. It is also useful to cooperate with human rights experts in order to expand and deepen the company’s understanding the issues related to human rights and f ighting forced labor. Design and implement a forced labor awareness program to educate host communities on their employment rights. At Coca Cola we believe that not only the company itself, but also the society should take aware of how to prevent forced labor practices. Though it may be a challenge in some countries and communities, companies should adhere to internationally accepted practices and principles and promote them within the host communities. Notify and oblige suppliers to follow the company’s policy for preventing and fighting forced and compulsory labor. As an example, we created Supplier Guiding Principles that outline the rights and obligations of our suppliers in terms of human rights. This document is a part of all the agreements between Coca-Cola and its suppliers, so our suppliers are required to obey our guidelines in treating and protecting the rights of workers and members of the communities, with which the suppliers work (Staff, 2013). The Guiding Princ iples are supported by implementation guides, which help our partners to comply with the global best practices in terms of fighting forced and compulsory labor. Conduct a deep audit of the company’s waste and emissions levels in order to identify areas for improvement, saving and elimination environment contamination. It is a very important CSR issue, with which we had direct negative experience: we did suffer from groundwater exploitation in the villagers of Kerala and
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Narrative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5
Narrative - Essay Example In June 13, 1775, Leaders of the Colonial forces had collected intelligence that the British troops were planning to march Boston and occupy the surrounding hills. Consequently, 1,200 colonial troops under the control of William Prescott engaged Bunker Hill and Breeds Hill and they formed fortifications for a sudden and unexpected attack. From the beginning, American troops had marked remarkable victory against British Army and the British troops lost â€Å"over a third of the attacking forces, with a high number of commissioned officers, which was shocking news†(Maps of world.com). After the initial crisis, British Army powerfully returned to the battlefield and they captured the Hill and its surroundings completely. Absence of modern weapons and organized war strategies paved the way for unexpected turn in the battle. Death of Major John Pitcairn had pressed the revolutionary forces to withdraw from battlefield. In addition, Colonists failed to overcome the presence of ammu nition. Accompanied with modern weapons bayonet-equipped instruments British Army detained the upper hand. More than 115 American revolutionists were killed, 305 wounded and 30 captured. In case of Britain, 226 were killed and more than 800 wounded in the battle. Historians have identified number of reasons behind the battle related with politics, administration, problem of representation and taxation. The Stamp Act of 1765 imposed unnecessary taxes among the colonists and they were forced to pay taxes for necessary things. Mary Englar observes that ‘Many Colonists claimed Great Britain didn’t have the right to tax them’ (Englar 8). Similarly, Colonists had faced severe identity crisis and they did not get representation in administration. Another important reason is that Britain established some provoking military reforms in Boston and its surrounding areas and these military
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 38
Case Study - Essay Example Recruitment or talent acquisition can be defined as â€Å"the set of activities and processes used to legally obtain a sufficient number of qualified people at the right place and time so that the people and the organization can select each other in their own best short and long term interests (Schuler, 1987). The talent acquisition methodology adopted by Jamie is also a key learning from the case. Jamie recruited people based on their potential and trainability. This was done by a series of assessment tests. It is clear that the people recruited for the organization are suitable to help achieve the organization’s vision. Jamie had used various techniques to assess potential candidates. The techniques used by Jamie were aimed at finding the right person for the job. In a similar way, a manager while hiring potential candidates shall make use of different recruitment techniques to ensure that the person selected is the most suitable for the job. The training process imparted by Jamie to his trainees was a thorough with clear plan. Classroom coaching was accompanies with practical activity. Each component of the training was aimed at improving the skills of the candidates. For example, he had week camping session to foster team spirit. He also had the trainees learn about livestock farming and quality evaluation which is an important part of a chef’s job. In a similar fashion, it is necessary that the training process of an organization is directed towards imparting specific skills to the candidates with continuous involvement from the manager. Jamie was supportive towards the weaker students. This ensured that every candidate got equal opportunity to perform and learn. An organization should have a clear and concise plan for the improvement of the weak performers. Having such a performance improvement plan not only improves the employee’s morale but also organization’s effectiveness. It is important to understand that each individual in the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2
International Business - Essay Example They are different listings; however, they are one business unit and managed by the same people. A few of the major brands out of its portfolio of more than 400 brands are: Dove Ben & Jerry’s Knorr Lipton Lux Surf Tresseme Toni & Guy Sunsilk Flora (Unilever, n.d.) Unilever is present in more than 100 countries of the world with different brands and has great global presence. They focus on local knowledge and cater to the consumer’s needs in every market and that is why consumers worldwide prefer their products. They help consumers get the most out of life and out of their products and thus they translate the vitality of life through their products. Unilever’s major competitors are P&G and Nestle. These are its direct competitors all over the world however they face competition from local competitors in places as well such as Henkel, Johnson and Johnson, Reckitt Benckiser, PepsiCo etc. (Smith, 1995) Unilever in India Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) was formed in 1933 however as Lever Brothers and later it came to be Unilever by a merger in 1956. It’s base was formed in Mumbai and since it’s a multinational company, 52% of the shares in the company are held by the main Unilever in United Kingdom. The product categories are the same as aforementioned. HUL employs thousands of employees directly and indirectly and it got its official name in 2007. They started as a small company selling soaps and then emerged as a company that made products for the FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) market. HUL has 6.4 million outlets all over India and many retail outlets and a majority of the Indians use its products be it personal care or foods etc. (unilever, 1976) The major brands in India are its homecare, personal care and food brands but only personal care products will be discussed. A few major personal care products are: Axe Ayush therapy products CLEAR Close Up toothpaste Dove Fair & Lovely Lifebuoy Liri Lakme Pears Rexona Ponds LUX Vas eline Tresemme Pepsodent Sunsilk Hindustan Unilever has innovated marketing of many products that cater to the local market not just in personal care product categories but all the categories which has led it to be one of the trusted companies in India. (Books, 2010) Globalization and its drivers Unilever has been focused on innovation and expanding its size ever since it started out and globalization allows it to achieve its aim. They also focus on developing markets and target bottom of the pyramid consumers as well because they see a great deal of potential in these emerging markets. Unilever is one of the largest consumer goods industries in the world and they carry out large operations and manage large supply chain procedures. They are also focused on catering to consumers and lower their costs and inventory levels by understanding them better. There are three different strategies that one can look to while going global and these are what pose a challenge for most companies. Th ese are aggregation, adaptation and arbitrage. Aggregation is when a company or business standardizes its procedures and business practices either globally or locally or both to take advantage of economies of scale. Adaptation means catering to each market separately in order to meet consumer needs and thus boosting the business
Sensory perception Essay Example for Free
Sensory perception Essay Sensory perception cannot be entirely trusted specifically in terms of knowing what is real from what is not and what is genuine knowledge from what is mere belief for several reasons. For one, the human senses have the tendency to fluctuate in terms of its capacity to perform according to its specific functions (Ross, p. 500). For instance, the ears, when suffering from an ear infection, are highly prone to hear things quite differently. If this is the case, then our sensory perception of hearing through the ears does not have a strong merit for serving as the foundation for knowing the real world and distinguishing those that are not real. It is also the case that human sensory perception varies from person to person. For example, an ageing man may hear the same rustling of leaves or speech of an individual quite differently from a little kid. Or perhaps the same note played in a grand piano may faintly be heard by those with hearing defects but may be clearly be distinguished by the master pianist. These are only a few examples to illustrate the point that human sensory perception varies from person to person, and the list may very well be inexhaustible. This leads us towards the idea that, since human sensory perception greatly varies, it may be quite difficult to reach at a solid agreement among individuals concerning the common understanding of reality. Although there may be attempts to resolve such a crisis, the very fact that human sensory perception differs inhibit human beings from arriving at the bottom of the issue. Yet it cannot be doubted that, when asked about what is real from what is not, the tendency of the individual is to rely on sensory perception (Walton, p. 557). One can defend the idea that ‘this’ pencil is ‘real’ because the individual is able to see and touch the pencil. There are many other ways in order to provide possible arguments that support the idea that sensory perception grants human beings an access to reality and a corresponding awareness of it. While it may be true that the individual is able to see and old the pencil does it guarantee the individual that, indeed, the pencil is real? One is to be reminded that our eyes sometimes suffer from a blurring of vision and that our skin has the tendency to be sensitive or numb or somewhere between depending on the external environment and on the internal bodily processes the individual is experiencing. Apparently, sensory perception gives one experiences of one’s external environment and that these experiences may correspond to an actual object existing in the external environment of the individual (Brown, p. 336). If this is the case, then it is also probable that the object perceived through the senses may exist. Nevertheless, whether or not the object perceived exists in the external environment, the question remains: can sensory perception be trusted? With the idea of trusting the senses, we are directed towards the notion that the senses provide a way for the perceiving individual to ‘sense’ an object outside of one’s system (Sorabji, p. 60). It can be asserted that the senses provide the individual with sensory experiences such as the color and smell of the object, the quality of hotness or coldness and many others. The idea can further be stretched by arguing that, without the senses, the brain will have no way of accepting data from the external objects. But how is one to know what is real from what is mere hallucination? Correspondingly, how is one to know that one’s senses are giving an impression of a defective data offered by the impaired visual senses, for instance? The foundation for the refutation against the credibility of the senses rests on the idea that the senses of human beings are open to impairments and oftentimes prone to the trickery of the external environment. For example, mirages tend to trick the human eye and, consequently, the human understanding and the larger sphere of human knowledge. What appears to be a small patch of water in the middle of a scorching desert is the visual effect of heat on sand from afar. Unless the individual decides to get closer to the source of the desert ‘mirage’ can one be able to fully discern the idea that the eyes do not give us what is really the case. This case holds highly probable for the individual. The larger aspect of the faulty functioning of the senses can all the more be observed in terms of two or more individuals. Take for example the case of two individuals and a small piece of freshly baked bread. Assume that the first individual is one who lives in a warm region while the other individual lives near the fringes of Alaska. The first individual may very well claim that the freshly baked bread is not quiet hot while the Alaskan may very well claim that the bread is warm for the reason that the former is used to a warm environment while the latter lives in an environment where a little heat is easily detected by the skin. Or let one assume that the opposite case is true for the two individualsâ€â€either way, it can be observed that there is a difference in the way both individuals have ‘experienced’ the bread in terms of its hotness or coldness. The instance where there are variations in the manner in which individuals tend to have a sensory experience on the warmness or coldness of objects is one proof that, when applied to the larger context of humanity, there can hardly be any precise and unchanging sensory experience for the same object. While it may be true that humanity can generalize an object as either warm or cold, it nevertheless remains that it does not guarantee that all of the individuals have experienced one and the same degree of warmness or coldness of the object given the fact that the specific human anatomy widely varies from person to person although individuals may have the same general anatomy of, say, the head composed of the skull, eye sockets, teeth, etc. The point is that, although two, three, or a couple of individuals may agree that this or that object is ‘warm’, there is hardly any coherent and precise sensory perception that unifies all of human sensory experience on the same object or event at its most detailed form. This contention leads one to the consequent argument that sensory perception cannot be trusted and that these variations in human sensory experience fail to provide a substantial account for what is real from what is not. Why can’t sensory perception be trusted even if there are wide variations and disagreements on human sensory experiences? The answer to this question rests on the idea that human knowledge is a very critical aspect in the lives and progress of humanity. Since the daily experiences of human beings pretty much contribute to and define their knowledge of the external world, a corrupted sensory experience may lead to knowledge founded on false assumptions or beliefs. Further, if the wide variations in sensory experiences will serve as the basis for human knowledge, then it is not a farfetched idea that it will result to multiple interpretations and, consequently, multiple forms of knowledge on the same object or event. All the knowledge in the world becomes relative to the numerous individuals asserting their own stand on what knowledge is; knowledge becomes equally proportional to the total number of individuals advocating their own ‘knowledge’. If this is the case, can the separate notions of ‘knowledge’ correspond to a genuine knowledge? Or does it give the guarantee that all of these knowledge claims are sound and valid even though one or two of these knowledge claims come into conflict? The argument is clear: sensory perception cannot be trusted due to its dire effects on the epistemological exploits of humanity inasmuch as there is the primary concern or need for a true and genuine knowledge that transcends individual interpretations and relative sensory experiences. The seemingly ‘imperfect’ condition of the human sensory organs contributes in large parts to the disruptions in the corresponding sensory experiences. This ‘imperfect’ state should all the more prompt the rational mind to do away with trusting sensory perception as a guaranteed medium for obtaining knowledge and in understanding reality. Works Cited Brown, Kevin L. Dating Adam Smiths Essay Of the External Senses. Journal of the History of Ideas 53. 2 (1992): 336. Ross, Peter W. Qualia and the Senses. The Philosophical Quarterly 51. 205 (2001): 500. Sorabji, Richard. Aristotle on Demarcating the Five Senses. The Philosophical Review 80. 1 (1971): 60. Walton, William M. Is Existence a Valid Philosophical Concept? A Metaphysical Approach. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 12. 4 (1952): 557.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Role of HR managers in Recruitment and Selection
Role of HR managers in Recruitment and Selection To analyse the role of HR managers in Recruitment and Selection, it essential to firstly understand what is Recruitment and Selection, in what ways does it affect the goals of the organisations. When an employee leaves an organisation, it affects not only the organisation but also the individual employee and society as a whole (Mobley, 1982, p. 15- 31, cited in Morrell et al., 2001, p. 220). The productivity and efficiency of organisations depend upon the quality of their workforce or human capital and there is a general agreement that its fixed capital is relatively increasing (Wolf and Jenkins, 2006). The HR managers should develop strategic methods for Recruitment and Selection. Schmitt and Chan (1998:239), defined the goals of strategic HRM, to acquire deploy and allocate human resources in ways that provide the organisation with a competitive advantage (Wolf and Jenkins, 2006). Recruitment and Selection is one of the element of an array of HR practices that needs to be integrate d into a coherent bundle by organisations in order to support the delivery of cooperate strategy. Recruitment and Selection is the main function of Human Resourcing in organisations (Newell and Rice, 1999, cited in Millmore, 2003, p. 8). Recruitment and Selection as The processes by which organizations solicit, contact, and interest potential appointees, and then establish whether it would be appropriate to appoint any of them (Watson, 1994, p.185 cited in Bratton and Gold, 1999, p.192). Recruitment involves the utilization of organisational practices to influence the number and types of individuals who are willing to apply for job vacancies (Rynes, 1991; Rynes Cable, 2003). Recruitment can focus on internal labour market (like pursuing staff already employed by the organization) or external labour market (like pursuing applicants from outside the organization). Internal candidates can be recruited through internal job postings, word-of-mouth or internship programs. (Casper) Organisations are undergoing changes in terms of expansion-beyond the local to national and international frontiers. Therefore, recruitment and selection processes used by organisations are becoming more sophisticated. Selection is a process through which a firm chooses an applicant from a pool of applicants for a post, within the organisation by using techniques to decide which applicant is best suited for the vacancy in question by contrast recruitment involves choosing an applicant from an ex ternal pool by actively soliciting applications from potential employees. Recruitment is a positive activity where the employers sell themselves into the labour market to increase the pool of deserving candidates, from which employees are chosen. Selection can be viewed as a negative activity as it involves choosing the best candidate. The goal of recruitment and selection processes is to judge the psychological difference between individuals and its relationship to following job performance. The recruitment and selection process has two main characteristics attraction which determines how an individual becomes an applicant it signifies the two-way power relationship involved in selection and assessment which refers to assessment of application within a work context this is done by using tools like references, curriculum vitas, autobiographical application blanks, interviews, personality psychometric tests and work-sample methods (Searle, 2003). Assessment of suitability for organi sational needs reflect priorities in an employers agenda, rather than a potential employees concerns (Schuler et al., 1993, cited in Ramsay et al., 1999, p. 65). In the 1980s, major changes took place in regards to HR practices within the organisations. This was a result of increasing awareness and impact of HR on the firms. During this period the HR policies emerged as a lever for organisations, assisting them in repositioning or strengthening, their place within a particular sector. As a part of resultant changes, selection and recruitment processes were recognised as critical components in successful change management (Iles and Salaman, 1995, p. 203). The integration and internal consistency of HR systems is important for organisational success (Legge, 1995). Recruitment and Selection is one of the tools within the HR strategy. For an HR manager hiring competent people is of paramount importance which can be attained by using effective recruitment and selection processes, with the goal of choosing the right candidate and rejecting the wrong. For example: The Telebank case study (Korczynski et al., 1999, cited in Callaghan and Thompson, 2002), reflects a shift in trend from manufacturing to service sector contribution in the overall economy. In service sector, work and empathy towards the customer plays a prime role in recruitment and other HR processes. Its therefore important for the HR Manager to recruit a staff with the desired attitudinal and behavioural characteristics, induct them in the companys philosophy and retain them. As an HR Manager it is essential to note that selection frequently focuses on attitudes to flexibility and service to customer than skill or qualification levels of the candidate (Redman and Mathews, 1998, p. 60 cited in Callaghan and Thompson, 2002). Also attracting good talent me ans increase in remuneration rate, better pay package, working conditions, job security and internal career mapping (Arthur, 1994; Appelbaum et al., 2000; Batt et al., 2002, cited in Smith et al., 2004). Bach (2008) defines Recruitment as the process of attracting people who might make an organizational contribution to fill a particular role or job. Approaches to Recruitment: Internal Recruitment: Most of the private sector employers, attempt to fill vacancies internally before they consider looking for people outside the organisation (Newell and Shackleton 2000, p. 116, CIPD 2003b, p. 11). Public sector is open to advertising both internally and externally. Fuller and Huber (1998, p. 621) have identified four different forms of internal recruitment activities namely, internal promotions, lateral transfers, job rotation, re-hiring former employees. This is profitable for both the employees and the organisations. Internal recruitment is cost effective and firms do not have to advertise jobs, it can be done by using intranet services, newsletters and staff notice boards. It helps in boosting the morale of the employee, building a strong internal labour force. The organisation also maximises its return on investment in staff training, by bringing in increased motivation, deepened skills and high level of commitment, providing the organisation with a competit ive edge leading to organisational effectiveness. Selection is done on the basis of the individuals merit and knowledge. The organisations express their models of employee characteristics and the behaviour required of potential employees through competency frameworks (Roberts, 1997). These frameworks help the organisations to recruit and select the suitable people through sophisticated techniques. There are certain negative aspects of internal recruitment as well; if all the recruitment to all the positions is done internally, it would lead to stagnation, there would be lack of originality and a fall in the organisations knowledge base. It might so happen that the best suited candidate for the job is not currently working for the organisation. Internal recruitment adds to the long term imbalances of the workforce, the ethnic minorities who are not well represented will be subjected to inequality. IRS (2002d) highlights a problematic feature of internal recruitment; it includes the n eed of managing of situations in which candidates are unsuccessful. Turning down external candidates would not cause a problem instead turning down internal candidates would create a difficult situation which then needs careful management. Exclusive use of internal recruitment is less common in the public sector organisations, as they believe in advertising all vacancies externally. They do so because they at all levels want to reflect that their staffs reflect the make-up of the whole society. For example NHS and local governments advertise their jobs in newspapers. (Storey, 2007). External Recruitment: there are lots of different approaches used to attract prospective candidates, more conventional than the other. There are five formal methods used for most of the jobs, these are, Printed media which includes national newspapers, local newspapers, trade and professional journals, magazines. External agencies which includes job centres, outplacement consultants, head-hunters, employment agencies, Forces Resettlement Agency, Recruitment consultants. Education Liaison consists of careers service, career fairs, college tutors, career advisors, student societies. Other media includes direct mail, local radio, teletext, billboards, internet, TV and cinema. Professional contacts consist of conferences, trade union referrals, suppliers, industry contacts. There are some other methods that can be used such as word of mouth or grapevine. These are cost effective as well. A lot of considerations must be taken into mind before deciding which method to use. For example, it would be inappropriate to advertise for an engineer in a medical journal. Another consideration is the number of applicants each method can yield and the ability of the personnel specialists to administer them effectively. For example, opening a new store would lead in creation of hundreds of new jobs. There is a new method of external recruitment known as E- recruitment or Internet Recruitment. In the first few years of the 21st century it has been noticed that there is an expansion to include vacancies in all work areas over the internet. Over 70 percent of employers were advertising some jobs on the internet in 2003 (CIPD 2003b, p15). The web based recruitment has changed the way the recruitment industry operates, it is a revolutionary development. Internet Recruitmen t is of four different forms, namely, Employer websites it involves maintaining pages of vacancy as a part of their organisations websites. They are cheap to operate for the employee and provide numerous options to the organisation in choosing its employee. This method has drawbacks as well, this approach this viable for large- sized employers within defined labour markets, medium or small scale employers will not benefit from this approach. Cyber agencies involve making use of specialist employment agencies that operates on the web, well known examples are Monster.com. They advertise the jobs as well as undertake short listing on behalf of employers depending on the CVs sent by candidates. Schreyer and McCarter (1998, p. 222) stated that in time a handful of highly sophisticated, international operations will emerge and carry general job vacancies on behalf of the industrialised world. Jobsites linked to newspapers and journals includes all recruitment-based websites that runs parallel with job based operations, for example, London Evening Standard. These sites publish jobs which have already been published in newspapers and journals. The advantage of this is that the job seekers can directly reach the employers site via hotlink, send an e-mail and search for vacancies in the job bank. Jobsites operated by employment agencies includes employment agents developing a formidable web presence. The job seekers register with these agencies and browse vacancies using the search engine. The government also advertises its vacancies on the internet via its Learning and Work Bank. Employee Recruitment and selection is one of the key functions of a manager. The manager has to take the decision whether to recruit internally or externally. WERS survey questioned managers whether internal applicants are given more preference over external applicants while filling vacancies. The majority of the managers responded that both external and internal applicants were treated equally, 10percent preferred external applicants where as one-fifth preferred internal applicants. Large workplaces which consisted of more than 100 employees preferred internal applicants than smaller workplaces. Private sector workplaces preferred internal applicants in comparison to the public sector workplace who preferred recruiting external applicants. This association held for after controlling for workplace size. Managers preferring to recruit internally was unchanged during 1998 to 2004. HR practices being outsourced is an increasing phenomenon these days. Recruitment and Selection has become one of the outsourced HR practices, depending on the size of the firm. For example: Andrea Ordanini Giacomos article is based on outsourcing the decisions of Recruitment and Selection. They stated that an efficient model based on competitive motivations, transaction cost economy was formed and was tested in 276 organisations both medium and large. It was found that both efficiency motivations and competitive issues are important. Selection is the process by which managers and others use specific instruments to choose from a pool of applicants a person or persons most likely to succeed in the job(s), given management goals and legal requirement (Bratton and Gold, 2003, p. 221). There are two key principles underlying the process of selection, they are individual differences, a way of measuring how one individual is distinct from other. They may differ in terms of intelligence, skills, age, experience, etc. Then is prediction, which recognises that individual differences may be a measure of predicting performance at workplace. Interview is the most common method of selection, as shown in Figure 2 below. However, firms are realising the importance of selection and are applying other methods to bring in effectiveness to the process. Smith and Graves (2002) have highlighted that there are concerns expressed in the literature about the usage of traditional interview methods. Along with the interview, other methods like application forms and letters of reference are used which is referred as the classic trio by Cook (1994, p. 15). Viewed from a psychometric perspective three criterias are applied to measure the effectiveness of the selection tool (Bratton and Gold, 2007, p. 258). These are validity, concerns the degree of appropriateness of what is being measured, reliability which focuses on accuracy of the data and lastly, usefulness. Validity can be defined as the agreement between a test score or measure and the quantity it is believed to measure (Kaplan and Saccuzzo, 2001, p. 32). The definition emphasises on what does the test offer to measure and what it really measures. Validity may also depend upon the purpose of the test. For example, the Myers Briggs Type Indicator is a personality-assessment test but is stated that it is a valid test only for development purposes. Validity is a difficult issue to prove, there are four ways to identify validity: face validity, content validity, construct validity and criterion-related validity. Out of these types of validity the most important is the predictive or criterion- related validity. It involves establishing relation between predictors and the criterion.Face validity is important for people who are taking the test; it depends on the appearance of the test. The test-takers have put in their time and effort to get a job and therefore, should feel satisfied by the assessment and feel it was relevant. It may sometimes have an adverse effect on the test- users who keep deciding which tool to use for selection. Sometimes without accessing the entire information through the manual handbooks about the test, the test-user makes a decision depending upon how the test looks. It may therefore provide false validity and may prove to be a distraction. Content validity is concerned with accuracy of the theory it covers. It is found in attainment, when a person is required to display their knowledge or skills in a particular area. For example, a test assessing competence of a Personnel Manager would be expected to include items taken from Human resource syllabus. Content validity is the only form of validity which is based on logical information. There are two problems of content validity namely, content under- representation, that is when an important component or information relevant to the theory is omitted. The second issue is construct- irrelevant variance that is contaminating the conceptual domain by components which are not relevant.Construct validity was introduced by Cronbach and Meehl (1955) when they stated that underlying each test there is a construct that gets assessed. It assumes that anything can be defined and measured. All the information regarding the definition of the topic that is being assessed and the develop ment procedure for the test should be present in the test manual. The test manual shows the composition of the test and also defines the population used for comparisons. An advantage of construct validity is that the tools occupy a conceptual domain; it is entirely based on theory. The new construction methods use Item Response Theory (IRT). In this theory the test must measure an underlying construct, it should be uni-dimensional, but it does not specify what construct it is or what construct it must be (Schimidt et.al., 2000). Criterion-related validity states what is being measured to an external criterion. It can be assessed in two different ways, namely, concurrent validity and predictive validity. Concurrent validity can be checked by assessing the test- takers performance, at that particular time in the test as they undertake another assessment. It deals with current level of individuals performance. This assessment is based on the validity of both the test and verifies the validity of the criterion. For example Eyesenck Personality Test. Predictive validity emphasises on the future and assesses the person to reveal the connection between the initial result and the latter outcome, at two separate points. This is an important tool for identifying individuals suitable for promotion to senior roles. Reliability mainly refers to the stability of a method used to select individuals. There are many types of reliability out of which three are the most important one in relation to selection methods. First being Testee reliability that is the test should provide the same result overtime. Then comes Tester reliability, it states that if one individual is interviewed by two different people and they both have different opinions about him, that is if one is satisfied and the other is not. It can be concluded that the selection method is not reliable. Thirdly, Test reliability states that there should be consistency in the results. Interview being the most common method of selection which has been noticed above, but research shows that other methods are used in combination with it. The pre- selection method starts first with application forms, CVs and sometimes biographical data consisting of individuals experiences and achievements. It has been noticed that bio datas improve validity. Gathering CVs through internet also improves the early screening process. The other methods used in selection are Interviews it may be structured or unstructured interviews, psychological tests which includes cognitive tests, personality tests, assessment centres which includes interviews, psychometric tests, stimulation of actual work tasks in order to observe job-related behaviours (Cooper and Robertson, 1995). Conclusion Smith (1994) differentiated between three forms of individual characteristics that relate to job performance: universals which refers to characteristics relevant to all jobs; occupational which refers to characteristics preferable to a particular job or occupation; and lastly relationals it refers to characteristics relevant in a particular work setting. This structure suggests that it is necessary to match characteristics of individuals with the characteristics of the particular work setting. Research has shown that people who fit in the work setting are more committed and satisfied compared to people who do not fit. (OReilly et al.1991). Thus recruitment and selection process is of utmost importance. Organisations have now got the ability to construct appropriate models for recruitment and selection by using reliable and valid techniques. Recruitment and selection are the first stage of interaction between organisations and applicants, which forms the employment relationship. (Brat ton and Gold,1999,p.207). Recruitment and selection are a part of the broader process of socialisation. Selectors should be aware of how well particular methods predict future performance (their validity) and of different methods cost, accuracy of tests. Growing awareness of the potential contribution of HR practices to business strategy (Guest and King, 2004) may increase organisational receptiveness to HR involvement (Wolf and Jenkins, 2006). Finally, I would like to conclude by saying that both the methods of recruitment, internal and external are important for the functioning of the organisation and also depends upon the size of the organisation. From the above argument we get a clear picture that managers should be very strategic. They should look at the validity and reliability of every method of selection. For example: we cannot use only CVs to recruit a middle manager. REFERENCES: Bach, S. (2008) Managing Human Resources: Personnel Management in Transition. 4th edition. Blackwell Publishing, UK Boxall, P. and Purcell, J. (2008) Strategy and Human Resource Management. 2nd edition. Palgrave Macmillan, New York Bratton, J. and Gold, J. (1999) Human Resource Management Theory and Practice. 2nd edition. Palgrave Macmillan, New York Bratton, J. and Gold, J. (2003) Human Resource Management Theory and Practice. 3rd edition. Palgrave Macmillan, New York Bratton, J. and Gold, J. (2007) Human Resource Management Theory and Practice. 4th edition. Palgrave Macmillan, New York Callaghan, G. and Thompson, P. (2002) We recruit attitude: The selection and shaping of routine call centre labour, Journal of Management Studies: 39(2): 233-254 Kersley, B., Alpin, C., Forth, J., Bryson, A., Bewley, H., Dix, D., Oxenbridge, S. 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(2003) Selection and Recruitment A critical text, Milton Keynes: The Open University 1st edition: Palgrave Macmillan: UK Smith, C., Daskalaki, M, Elger, T. and Brown, D. (2004) Labour turnover and management retention strategies in new manufacturing plants, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 15(2): 371-396 Storey, J. (2007) Human Resource Management a critical text. 3rd edition. Thomson Learning, London Taylor, S. (2005) People Resourcing. 3rd edition CIPD, London Torrington, D., Hall, L., and Taylor S. (2002) Human Resource Management. 5th edition. FT Prentice Hall, England Wolf, A. and Jenkins, A. (2006) Explaining greater test use for selection: the role of HR professionals in a world of expanding regulation, Human Resource Management Journal, 16(2): 193-213
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The New Testament :: Bible Religion Christian Christianity
The New Testament I.     The Primary Source of the Knowledge of Jesus a.     Proclaims the Incarnation -- the Word made Flesh -- Jesus becomes Man b.     Fulfillment of the Promise of the Old Testament II.     Collection of books (proclaiming the fulfillment of God’s promises through His Son, Jesus) a.     Gospels i.     Written by the evangelists – Matthew, Mark, Luke, John     ii.     CCC 125 = Gospels are the heart of all the Scriptures as they are the primary source of life and teaching of Jesus iii.     Main sources of information about the historical Jesus iv.     Faith testimonials announcing the good news of salvation; evangelists are not primarily interested in the historical details of Jesus’ life -- primary interest in the good deeds he performed, the words of salvation he taught, and the meaning of his passion, death, resurrection and glorification v.     Not all alike 1.     Mark – suffering servant 2.     Matthew – humanness of Jesus 3.     Luke – Gospel message is for all 4.     John – emphasizes the symbolisms within Jesus’ life vi.     Synoptic Gospels 1.     how Jesus lived 2.     Matthew, Mark and Luke vii.     John’s Gospel – what Jesus meant b.     Acts of the Apostles i.     Written about the time following Pentecost (for abt 30 yrs) ii.     Luke’s sequel to his Gospel c.     Epistles – letters i.     Pauline (13 books) – dealt with particular problems faced by the early Church and continued proclaiming faith in Jesus to be its central focus 1.     7 of the books directly attributed to Paul; the others were probably written by disciples of his ii.     Epistle to the Hebrews – defines the priesthood of Jesus iii.     Catholic Epistles – encouraged the universal church to keep the true faith and live Christ-filled lives d.     Revelation (The Apocalypse) – another book full of symbolisms written to aid Christians under persecution to remain loyal to Jesus and His teachings. III.     How did the writing of the Gospels come to be? – 3-stage process a.     The life and teaching of Jesus ------ period of time from Jesus’ birth until his death ------- what he did and taught b.     Oral preaching about Jesus ------ from Pentecost until the actual written form of the Gospels c.     Written Gospels ---- written over a 35 yr period ------ Mark around 65AD, Matthew and Luke between 75-85AD and John during the last decade of the first century. Each evangelist adapted his materials keeping in mind the circumstances of the particular audience for whom he was writing†¦.each had different audiences. i.     Most of what we know about Jesus’ early life comes from Matthew and Luke --- birth, Magi, Flight to Egypt, circumcision, Slaughter of the Innocents, boy Jesus in the Temple, Joseph ii.     Catholic Church maintains the dogma of the virgin birth --- no brothers or sisters ------ the text that refers to Jesus’ brothers and sisters uses a word that also means cousins
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
An Excuse for Hate :: essays papers
An Excuse for Hate There are many people in this world today who feel that prejudice is a regular part of life that must be dealt with along with getting up for work, and taking out the garbage. However, what people do not realize is that prejudice is on the rise in our society, and has been for centuries. There are numerous reasons that people choose to have prejudices against others. Many people don’t want to rock the boat, so they just look the other way, and pretend that nothing is going on. Although these people usually do not have any direct participation in outward prejudice, their neglect of the situation causes a definite harm. Others are ignorant and uneducated when it comes to things that are different from them, and as a result they make up their own stereotypes, and misconceptions, about people that they don’t even know. Not only has prejudice been a dilemma in the past, but also it seems to be a growing trend among the countries of the world today. The people of society who choose not to get involved in the fight against prejudice usually do so out of fear. They fear that if they speak out then they will be shunned for making things difficult for those who share their prejudice openly. In The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, written by Ursula K. Le Guin, this is demonstrated beautifully when a boy is kept away from society because he is different from all the others who live there. The people of the city refuse to bring the boy into society because â€Å"if it were done, in that day and hour all the prosperity and beauty and delight of Omelas would wither and be destroyed.†(Le Guin, p.971) Some of the people who have seen the boy, disagree with what the other citizens of Omelas are doing to him so they leave the city, and never look back. But, they leave without saying, or doing, anything to help the poor boy who is left behind to suffer in the discrimination of the town. This is also shown in the movie Quigley Dow n Under when a man, Quigley, is almost killed for defending the rights of Aborigine Indians in Australia. He sees that they are clearly victims of prejudice, and decides to help them overcome their oppression.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Coach Carter and Communication Essay
The film â€Å"Coach Carter†demonstrates many great examples of good communication between coach and athlete. I will point out a few examples of good communication from the film and I will explain why the examples I discuss demonstrate characteristics of effective communication. I will use a few excerpts out of the communication chapter of our text book, Chapter 11. I will use these excerpts from Chapter 11 of our text book to explain why the examples/quotes from the film, that I have pointed out, demonstrate good communication skills. The film â€Å"Coach Carter†is a great film about a high school basketball team that is located in a bad area of town. The kids that play for this basketball team unfortunately do not have some of the opportunities as other players of different team may have. This is just a fact of life; some people are fortunate to have a community and parents that are in a position to provide their children with good opportunities to succeed in school and in life, while other children do not have the same luxury. Some communities, parents, and schools unfortunately are not in the position to provide the same opportunities to their children and student athletes, whether due to financial reasons or other reasons. It is just a fact of life that sometimes people have to fight and work very hard to rise above the challenges life presents to them and through the road of hard work to accomplish their goal they will grow as a human being and become a better person in the end. In the film, Coach Ken Carter demonstrates excellent communication skills that are very effective. One quote from the film that stuck out to me is when Coach Carter is addressing his team after they lost the game against Saint Francis at the end of the film. Carter states; â€Å"l came to coach basketball players, and you became students. l came to teach boys, and you became men. †This quote is a great example of the correct use of praise. In Chapter 11 â€Å"Effective Communication: The Foundation of Effective Leadership†, Anshell describes the sandwich approach model to praise and critism presented by Smith & Smoll (1977). The sandwich approach tells us the correct use of praise and gives us a formula to use to make sure we give praise to our athletes in an appropriate manner. The sandwich approach states that you should say something positive, correct the skill that needs attention, and end with another positive comment. In the qoate from the film I used above, Coach Carter does not use the sandwhich approach excatly as it is modeled, but he does praise his team in an appropriate manner. A coach will be more efffective in correcting the skills and habits of any of their athletes by using the sandwich approach. The athlete will feel good about himself/herself hearing the first positive statement and this will also grab that athletes attention to the constructive critism or skill critique from the coach. The coach will leave the athlete with a positive concluding statement such as, â€Å"I see you excelling in the future with this†. The athlete will still have a good feeling at the end of the conversation and will pay attention to what the coach told him to do differently to improve his/her skill. In the movie, Coach Carter is consistent in his statements about what his intentions are as the new basketball coach and what his goals/expectations are of the young athletes. Chapter 11 of our text book, Anshell discribes the Ten Commandments of Communication. The Ten Commandments of Communication are as follows: â€Å"Thou shalt: (1) be honest, (2) not be defensive, (3) be consistent, (4) be empathetic, (5) not be sarcastic, (6) praise and criticize behavior, not personality, (7) respect the integrity of others, (8) use positive nonverbal cues, (9) teach skills, and (10) interact consistently with all team members. (Anshell 2012)†. Coach Carter demonstrates most of these commandments of communication, he especially demonstrates honesty, consistency, and respect the integrity of others throughout the film. The Players respect Coach Carter and his decisions on and off the court, they put their faith in their coach and the end result is rewarding. Coach Carter demonstrates consistency more than ever when he is talking to the board in the hearing about the lockout he has put into place. Coach Carter says; â€Å"You really need to consider the message you’re sending this boys by ending the lockout. It’s the same message that we as a culture send to our professional athletes; and that is that they are above the law. If these boys cannot honor the simple rules of a basketball contract, how long do you think it will be before they’re out there breaking the law? I played ball here at Richmond High 30 years ago. It was the same thing then; some of my teammates went to prison, some of them even ended up dead. If you vote to end the lockout, you won’t have to terminate me; I’ll quit. †This statement is very powerful and certainly gets Coach Carter’s message across to the administration and the parents of his players. The consistency of Carter even in a high stress environment and a very tense situation, he stands behind his beliefs and never once lets up or lets something go like ending the lockout so the basketball team will play the big game and stay undefeated. The players respect Coach Carter and his decision to keep the lockout in effect until the whole team has the GPA requirements to play games, as stated in the contract they signed. The team demonstrates their faith in their coach with the statements they make when Carter walks into the gym after the board made the decision to end the lock out to let his athletes know what the board decided. Coach Carter enters the gym to find his basketball team sitting at desks and studying instead of practicing. The team says the following when Carter walks into the gym; Jason Lyle: â€Å"[to Coach Carter as he walks into the gym] Sir, they can cut the chains off the door, but they can’t make us play. †Damien Carter: â€Å"We’ve decided we’re going to finish what you’ve started, sir. †Worm: â€Å"Yeah, so leave us be, coach. We’ve got shit to do, sir. †After Worm finally answers Coach Carter’s question; What is your biggest fear? Jason Lyle says; â€Å"You said we’re a team. One person struggles, we all struggle. One person triumphs, we all triumph. †This scene shows how Coach Carter’s communication skills inspire and motivate the players to improve on and off the court. I believe that coaches should focus on teaching their athletes more than just the game that is being played, but a good coach will demonstrate and teach young athletes about â€Å"life†. A good coach focuses on the entire picture of developing good strong contributing members of society. Coaches should give the athletes skills that will carry each athlete through life and teach the athletes the skills/lessons that will help them succeed.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Statement Of Interest
Among other things, I have this diversity of experience to offer the Global Transaction Team. My passion for sustainable environment and resource protection is more than a decade. My University project research investigated the effects of tannery effluents and other industrial wastes on aquatic resources, 2000. Collected effluents from industries in plateau State, Nigeria and prepared various concentrations with which I exposed Recommits SSP (Tailpipe). The findings were valuable and highly revealing.These findings have been used by government agencies for regulatory policies. In my first degree I was awarded the University Scholar Award and university undergraduate scholarship consecutively for 3 years and graduated among the best. Over the years I worked in the Banking and Finance industry in Nigeria. I have processed facilities for financing small to medium and large scale enterprises and have managed these business relationships and portfolios for several years. This in the long run will contribute to a strong private sector-driven economy.In the past four years, I worked as Head of Operations, Zenith Bank Ply leading a team of hardworking and result-oriented workforce. Professionally, I have contributed innovative to the growth and success of my organization as the founding member of the bank wide operations committee. My responsibilities include sound business decisions, dispute resolution, negotiation and commercial skills. I trained in Leadership skills, interpersonal skills, Risk management, financial statement analysis, Credit assessment, Effective Writing, Communication, and Management skills and on a leadership Award in the Bank in 2012.My present field, MBA in Agribusiness, has given a strong foundation to my analytical skills focusing on Quantitative Techniques in Management, Research Methods and Statistical Analysis, and a deeper understanding into the Principles and Practice of Crop Production, Principles and Practice of Animal Production, Fishe ries Management, Commercial Production of Foodstuffs and Quality, Food Processing Technology and Practices, Food Industry and Agribusiness System, and Economics for Agribusiness managers among others.My most recent reservation on Integrated Fish Farming was rated excellent. This study focused on Echo-Farming in which the maximum utilization of resources including wastes is proportionately related to minimum damage Of the environment. I pointed to the consciousness of my audience why the world food production could grow significantly to feed the ever growing population, yet the loss of soil fertility, industrial activity and solicitation of agricultural lands will continue to hamper such increased productivity.Suggesting, I reiterated organic waste reclamation, recycling and re-use in integrated yester with treatment, incineration, landfill and composting to drastically reduce waste, and achieve minimum disruption to the environment, as well as the best financial result possible. Suc h is evidenced in Shanghai Farms, Porto novo. My primary interest lies in Agribusiness and I will explore its great potential to generate jobs.The practical agribusiness-based MBA understudies agricultural farms with direct experiences such as Durance Farms, and Charter Farms practicing commercial production in fisheries and poultry, as well as other commercial farming of Cassava, Rice, and Yams etc. Seed in production of a variety of staple foods, and also as industrial raw materials for Ethanol, Starch industries etc. Animal husbandry employs sellers, farm attendants, veterinary doctors, feed millers, researchers and transporters.
Problem and its Background Essay
Man’s progress is measured through the advancement of Science and Technology in different fields especially in business arena. Through the years, many business establishments were built and organized to boost their business operation. Almost all types of business may it be small, medium or large scale are trying to take advantage of this technology. This means less paper works for office employees and even fewer employees for some organization seems to depend on its ability to utilize computer technology at its fullest. Presently, automation is one of the leading industry in the country today. Since technology changes rapidly and demands for machines are rising. There is a need for a basic understanding of computer technology , this understanding enables us to be comfortable in an increasing computer oriented environment by removing the fear with the unknown that many people have about the computer. One of the benefits of the system is it provides a prompt computation and accurate enough within a certain design space, especially for time-consuming manual process. New users often fret over the potential for lost data due to system malfunctions with a well designed and tested backup scheme and disaster recovery system, a computer-based record is much more reliable and less prone to data loss than conventional paper-based records. Record access can be restricted and monitored automatically. Provided that data are structured and coded in an unambiguous fashion, programs can continuously check and filter the data for errors, summarize and interpret data, and issue alerts and/or reminders. Once in electronic form a data can be linked to reference information stored and maintained locally or, via the internet. If the electronic record is integrated, then all data is immediately available to all practitioners regardless of their physical location as soon as the data is entered into the computer. The health care environment is currently undergoing a revolution. A rapidly growing cost of providing medical care are forcing hospital to merge at an increasing rate in order to consolidate the types of services offered. The cost of the new technology is also requiring a hospital to reevaluate their mission to the communities they serve. Originally no specialized users were contented with common tasks such as paper, ball pen, typewriter and file cabinet to perform their jobs. These people could satisfactorily accomplish their tasks without computer technology, but these situations have change dramatically. With the new technology, hospitals provide faster more accurate and more convenient services to their patients. Background of the study San Juan District Hospital is the only government hospital in this part of Batangas. It is a 25 bed capacity secondary government hospital that was established by virtue of Republic Act 3956. A Puericulture Center has been offered by concerned citizen of the town headed by Mrs. Marietta O. De Villa as the first hospital building. It is a two story building with a floor area of roughly 200 square meters which was . approved by the Department of Health. The National Aid Budget was first released under TW# 804-039288 dated June 11, 1975 and received on June 20, 1975 in the amount of P 105,645. 00. With this financial source, organization of the hospital was immediately approved of about 13 hospital items/positions. The hospital was opened to the public on July 1, 1975 for consultation services only, headed by Dr. Marciano Marcellana as Chief of Hospital. The catchment areas of this hospital are San Juan Rural Health Unit I & II, Rosario and Taysan. In the year 1982, the Trivino family donated one hectare of farm lot for the construction of new hospital building at Barangay Talahiban 2nd, San Juan, Batangas. The hospital then transferred to the new site year 1988. In April, 1993 with the implementation of Republic Act No. 7180, otherwise known as Local Government Code of 1991, San Juan District Hospital was devolved to the Provincial Government of Batangas under the immediate supervision of the Provincial Health Officer. In 1999 as part of the government’s computerization program the San Juan District Hospital received computers from the local government. The hospital had a payroll system on 2001. MISSION: Development of health conscious and healthy families and communities thru partnership with the people by the provision of the four ACES: availability, accessibility, affordability, acceptability and omnipotently guided health care services. VISION: A socialized medicine for the Batanguenos especially the underpriviledge. GENERAL OBJECTIVE: Further uplift the health of the people particularly Batangenyos through curative, promotive and preventive aspect of health care delivery. Conceptual Framework Feedback Fig 1. Conceptual Paradigm Examination of Conceptual Paradigm The system is â€Å"San Juan District Hospital Management System†. It is intended for the operations inside the hospital which caters Billing and Record Keeping of patients. The users include the administrator who has full access of the system. The cashier, one who receives the payment of the patients. The Billing Clerk computes for the bill of patients, Chief of Billing verifies and updates records in case invalid data was inputted and also verifies the eligibility for discount of the patients. The encoder, one who adds record concerning billing. The nurse gathers the information from the patient including the patient’s picture then it is turned over to the record officer for storage and safekeeping. The encoder is the one to add patient records. The record officer verifies and update the records of the patient. The nurse in each station could only view the information regarding the patient. In Patient’s Information the users gather the patient’s record such as the patients name, disposition, diagnosis and etc. On the other hand in Billing, the user entails the medical Transactions as well as the medical supplies consumed by the patient. All of the medical transactions as well as medical supplies consumed by the patient are submitted to the billing section. The adoptability of San Juan District Hospital Management System: Reliability-refers to the dependability and precautionary measures of the system. -The system provides accupate information on the billing of patients – The system provides useful information regarding the patient’s record – The system provides accuracy and consistency in the patient record – The system provides an accurate computerized print out of records – The system minimizes the work load of the users Security-refers to the accessibility of the users to the system. – The system provides log in and log out forms for an improved security – The system provides the ability of the admin to access all the functions of the system – The system provides user level like the administrator, record officer, cashier, etc. – The system provides restrictions appropriate for the type of user – The system provides system management the user account by using add, edit and delete functions. User Friendliness-refers to the simplicity and understandability of the system. – The system provides an easy to understand visual user interface – The system provides an interactive help system for easy usage – The system makes use of shortcut buttons for easy system navigation – The system makes use of proper colors and fonts suitable interface environment – The system provides a confirmation message for the confirmation of the action. Efficiency-refers to the competence of the system. – The system Provides a search engine for fast retrieval of informatio – The system Makes use of the add, edit, delete functions for easy information updates. – The system Speeds up the work of the users – The system Simplifies the record keeping and record handling of the hospital. – The system Speeds up the patient and hospital transactions The data gathered from the devices is then processed by the system. The devices include printer which is use to produce hard copy of receipts as well as reports. Since it is an integrated system it needs a LAN Card for networking. WebCam to input pictures of the patients. This leads to gathering of Timely reports for Billing. It also generates Patient’s Record by request. The system is insignificant if it has no benefit. The system Accelerates work in generating Bill Reports as we all know that waste of time effort in every business means a lost in their assets. It could easily keep track of information regarding the patients bills since it is presented timely and it also enhances the quality of work since the production of inaccurate reports would be lessened. It also lessens time and effort in looking for the patient’s record in a logbook and filling cabinet. The users could easily manipulate the system because it is presented in a user friendly environment. Statement of the Problem 1. What are the profile of the respondents? a) Position b) Computer Literacy 2. How do the respondents perceived the current way of retrieving information? a) Filling Cabinet b) Index Card 3. How do the respondents perceive the current way of generating bill reports? a) Manually generated receipts 4. How do the respondents perceived the idea of having â€Å"San Juan District Hospital Management System†based on the ff: a) Reliability b) Security c) User Friendliness d) Efficiency 5. How do the respondents perceive the applicability of San Juan District Hospital Management System? Scope and Limitation of the study The system consists of computerized billing and record keeping system. Only authorized persons is able to access these processes through the use of passwords. The nurse of each workstation has limitation in using a system due to the hierarchy of authority. Each of these has data storage, data entry and report generation. It is in LAN Based. Billing System consists of the invoices of the patient. It generates timely reports as well as printing of receipts. This incorporates the laboratory charges and medical supplies used. Provided that the medicines are bought inside the hospital. It also computes for the discounts such as PhilHealh, insurance and etc. This does not include monitoring of the profit earned by the hospital. It does not include payments with the use of credit cards. Record Keeping System encloses only the In-patient and out-patient’s personal information that would be needed for the diagnosis such as the name, ailment, gender,picture and etc. It also encompasses the laboratory results of the In-patient which is attached to nurse records through the availability of computer in the laboratory. Importance of the Study Giving latest innovation with the use of computer integration, the proponents have arrived in the best possible computer integration assets by the creative minds in achieving optimum success. The system provided a design model for the better, effective and efficient processing of the system. This system intends to help the San Juan District Hospital in the processing of the needed data and documents. This system can perform tasks of an individual in an accelerated manner so it could increase job performance. It reduces manual process and so it could minimize human errors. This system is made easily for the user, so they can easily adopt. It minimizes the paper works of the person in charge in monitoring. It enhances the quality of work, since the production of inaccurate reports would be lessened if not eliminated. The processing can change the way the user operates. In addition, the system solves time and labor, the processing can lead to benefits such as improve services and control flow. The system can improve the processing of the hospital. The data can be access easily and the reports could be made available anytime the clients need it. The importance of the system primary focuses to meet and satisfy the given objectives of the system. This system is undertaken by proponents in order to adopt in a more advance techniques that are currently use in some offices and institutions. The finding of the system should be able to be of great help to the billing section as well as to other departments to take a direction towards modern computerization. Therefore, a lot of effort and time would be saved. It is a great advantage for San Juan District Hospital for the reason that the client could avail a good service and marks for the reason to help more organize and punctual to their tasks so they could do their responsible well. Definition of Terms Administrative Department- responsible for the operation of the entire institution. Anesthesiologist- a doctor who supervises the use of drugs for the relief of pain during surgery. Charge Nurse – A registered or licensed practical or vocational nurse assigned to be in charge of a nursing unit. Custodial Care – Basic care provided on a 24 hour basis that meets an individual’s basic physical needs; simple assistance or total care may be needed. District or Community Hospital- serves larger population centers such as towns and large cities. Geriatric Hospital- hospital that accommodates the older population segment. Hospital – A health care facility that has a governing body, an organized medical and professional staff, and inpatient facilities and provides medical, nursing, and related services for injured patients. Inpatient – A person who has been admitted at least overnight to a hospital or other health facility. Intensive Care Unit- unit where an intensive monitoring and nursing is provided for seriously-ill patients. Laboratory- hospital unit where tests are conducted to help doctors in the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses. Level of Security Password Access-the persons who can only access one computer. Maternity Units- hospital unit that help protect mothers and infants from infection. Medical Units- units for patients who are required treatment by drugs. Medication-treatment of an illness using drugs. Medicine card-patient medication with corresponding time. Medical Prescription-covers the doctors medical prescription to his patient. Medical Records Department- keeps records on every patient. Networked-A state of being physically connecting 2 or more computers to create a communication and data exchange system. Nurse-somebody trained to look after sick and inured people,especially somebody who works in a hospital or clinic,administering the care and treatment that a doctor prescribes. Nurse note -a form a sheet which nurses ask to record their observation and report. Nursing staff- form the largest group on the patient care system. Outpatient – a patient who is receiving ambulatory care at a hospital or other facility without being admitted to the facility. Patient Record System-covers the processing of the information pertaining to the patient. This system stores all the details about her patient. Radiologist- directs a hospital X-ray and other imaging services. Surgical Unit- hospital unit for patients necessitating surgery. Ward- a room where a patient stays while receiving treatment. Acronyms CVD- Cardiovascular Disease CBC- Complete Blood Count DR- Delivery Room FBS- Fasting Blood Sugar ICD- International Code of Diseases ID- Once Daily LAN-Local Area Network MGH- May Go Home OPD- Out-Patient Department OR- Operating Room ORT- Oral Rehydration Therapy PC- Platelet Count QID- Four times a day RBC- Red Blood Cells RHU- Rural Health Unit RX- Prescription SE- Stool Exam UE- Urinalysis SWO-Social Welfare Office CHAPTER II Review of Related Literature and Study Local Study A study states that â€Å"It generates multiple reports for every department of Kolin Plant†. (Comia, 2005) The system concentrates and focused on the development of computer-based system. The system also includes generating of reports. In relation to this study, the researchers provide a computerized Monitoring System for J07 construction supply and services. The system includes the monitoring of the incoming ; outgoing raw materials ; updating of raw materials. The system also features the capability to print out file information like the available and consumed stocks. It monitors the total number of product that are sold ; unsold ,; update sales ; record of accurately . It also serves as a feature of assigning of prices to a particular item ; automatically detecting the required products for recording . It also has features of monitoring the daily sale of market. In relation to this study, the researchers developed a computerized Monitoring System for J07 construction supply ; services. The system includes the monitoring of the incoming and outgoing raw materials and updating of raw materials. A study (Edralin, 2003) states that small company as we can see majority of the business uses computers with also included the use of computerized system in order to achieve their goal and to lessen in the manual process in the business. As they believe using computer makes the business flow smooth and faster and we can’t regret for what they believe because as far as we know it has been proven for many times in many aspects of business. It provides the data needed for automation and computerization of its sales monitoring system. It also supplies the company a better system that benefits each and everyone on the company as a whole. According to Lee (2004) In this hospital Admitting and Centralized Billing System aims to develop a system that would monitor the room availability, speed up the processing of readmittance and would decentralized the exchange of patient’s record. Included in the system is a work area that provides a faster and easier method of adding, viewing, modifying and deleting of reports. This study focuses in admitting and billing system of patient. It has own data entry and report generations. Reports include the following. In-patient bills, in-patient information and last of patient. LAN setup is notr tackled in this study. According to Rogelio D. Rivera (2006) I usually design a system design requested when there is some dissatisfaction present in the system. In the system in this book Analysis of Data Management stated that â€Å"No system can be devised which is full proof against personnel which do not know or make property in developing a system, a process is set to meet the dissatisfaction of the present system, on the part of the beneficiaries such as the personnel and applicant, the new system should at least give them the ease of maintaining a fast and better procedure on handling records. A study (Augusto ,2003) wrote in this national press academic entitled â€Å"Reduce medical error requires Computerized Patient Information System†stated that to significally reduce the tens of thousands of deaths and injuries caused by medical errors every year, health care organizations must adopt information technology system that are capable of collecting and sharing essential health information on patients and their care, says a new report by the institute of medicine of the national academics. These systems should operate seamlessly. As part of the national network of health information that is accessible by all health care organization and that includes electronic records of patient’s care and secure platforms for the exchange of information among providers and patients and data standards that makes health information uniform and understandable to all. Foreign study A study (Monlb, 2002) states that the reality of today’s medical world is that cost effective, efficient management of receivables is a major challenge. Successful relationship with their client have Medical Data Systems an industry leader in revenue management Services. Specializing in secondary collection of hospital allow end professional fee billing, medical net-System has the solutions to today and tomorrows challenges. It has maintained an excellent reputation through out its 14 year history currently employing over 150 staff members at 6 locations throughout the Southeast and Southwest. We pride ourselves on or seminar-oriented, peer cooperative working relationship with a clients. The ultimate goal is to design a unique management services package to match the needs of our practice of facility. They work closely with you to assess your intimations, analyze and evaluate your specific requirements and faster solution to your need. Through over 14-year history of medical billing they have observed that professional fee-components billing is time-consuming laborious process that detracts the hospital billing staff that detracts the hospital billing staff from their more comprehensive compliance issues required for the much lower value professional claims is often not a cost effective undertaking for a medical facilitating they have developed an intermediate information system, which is utilized as a holding database between the hospital and their billing system, which screens information for discrepancies and incomplete data prior to exportation into their billing system. This yield information into their staff to concentrate on the aged receivables. The Resident Care System is a computerized medical record system designed to reduce the amount of hand written paper works required to maintain resident and nursing center records. (Moshida, 2004). It is a computerized medical record that prevents lost of productivity, improve clinical accuracy and charge captures. Experts are taking its institution’s paperless and tell the benefits of the next level of efficiency that are being delivered to the HIPAA V. DRUG Info today. All stakeholders in healthcare organization and caregivers, consumers, purchasers, payers and policy making are focused in the orientation of medical errors and weighing the health care providers involve. Thousands of people did it every year as a result of Adverse Drug Event (ADE). The result is efficient, high-quality care. In relation to this study, the system reduced paper works and avoids loss of files or manipulation of medical information/records. A study (Peters,2004) wrote the System Analysis and Design refers to the process of examining a situation and deciding whether improvements is deserved or feasible. The intent of the system investigation is to study a business process and evaluating it. Manage should be a result, not an â€Å"intent†. In developing a system, a process is set to meet are the dissatisfaction of the present systems on the part of the beneficiaries, such as the personnel and the applicant, the new system should at least give then the ease of maintaining a fast and better procedure on handling records. According to William, (2002) A system is combined with a function or purpose and each person thinks in terms of the job he or she is trying to accomplish. It is necessary to explore alternative ways of some changes to be made. Manage should be a result, not an intent. †It is impossible to set standard for handling applicant and employees records. The only matter to be considered is simply developing the best system which is set to meet the requirements of file handling and management. In this book the way of doing something to see if the method should continue as is modified slightly completely revised. A study Henry F. Korths (2003) states that: â€Å"The system should produce meaningful results quickly. This usually means action reports an a basic on immediate responses to inquiries. It does not eliminate entirely the traditional historical aspect, but it does not mean, that such reports most supplement with current oriented reports†Local Literature According to the article â€Å"Asian Hospital uses new info system for faster, efficient transactions â€Å"(Veroy Robert,2006) states that the system, called Hospital 2000, is highly-specialized software that integrates the hospital’s various systems into a single platform and one database. Hospital 2000 takes account on specially-designed programs that will facilitate the hospital’s internal transactions to better serve the inpatient and outpatient populations. â€Å"Running a modern hospital requires proper data facilitation and accurate system management to deliver efficient and real time transactions particularly between doctors and patients. That’s why with this new system, we are now at par, if not better, than any other hospital in the Asia-Pacific region,†said Pamela Robinson, Asian Hospital CEO and President. The system, according to Asian Hospital Director for General Services Joel Garcia, has three major components covering administrative, clinical and imaging activities. Furthermore, the system takes care of the hospital’s financial records, purchasing, recording functions, and on-line ordering system for the nurse’s station. Hospital 2000 was specifically made for Bumrungrad Hospital, a Bangkok-based healthcare facility, in 1998. Asian Hospital recently sealed a partnership with Bumrungrad International in an effort to upgrade its existing facilities including the hospital’s information and communications technology system. The need for efficient records management and information service in the administration of justice in the Philippines, may be addressed through IT. It is interwoven into almost every hand of the country’s social fabric and the judiciary is not exempted Chief Justice Andres Narvasce said that â€Å"the benefits of using an Information Technology in judicial system is readily apparent†. An article in Metropolitan times, Volume No. 27, states that the high court created the computerization committee tasked with the automation of the Supreme Court. The committee’s first task include the installation of a Case Administration System (CAS). The CAS links the different offices with are primary concerned with the supreme counts judicial work through a Local Area Network. According to Sacobel (2004) the progress is significant because it is capable of decongesting the back loss of cases in the courts. The chief justice believes that if the case is available and the system prepared to use it, then it becomes simply a matter of you providing the necessary logistical support. The high tribunal is currently proposing revisions in the laws in production with the objective of simplifying procedure. Though there will be substantial changes. They are intended to harmonize the rules in this area of the law and simplify the work of lawyer and judges. This would translate into faster more efficient case disposition and overall improvement of justice system. A popular author of Accounting Parsin (2005), states in his book that business organization are using computers to improve their efficiency and reduce their cost of operation. Reports are more timely and accelerate computer have manipulate and recall data to the form , all users wishes to use with the introduction of microcomputers computation of business is more affordable. He also stated that computers are beneficial to the improvement of the company. Reduce time, effort and money. Computers play a major role in every company for their improvement and giving quality service to their respective customers. According to Chua (2003) it pervades every aspect of our lives. Ti has become ubiquitous and essential for developments. The information technology embarks the passage of our time. It is necessary to adapt to response our changing needs. It corresponds to the unfolding body of knowledge which is now being sensible anywhere. Information Technology nowadays becomes a necessity, OLE to the beneficial aspect it brings in human life. It tends to keep daily routines efficient, accurate and timely to the needs depending to the needs of people. According to Simons (2006) as Information Technology continues to burst, it gives attention to different aspect of the needs of the user. â€Å"In this tech-driven age, scientific break through made practically everyday as a science and technology march forwards to the proverbial leads and bonds†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . The prolongation of this breakthrough gives convenience life to the users, which signifies the progress of computerization. It comes in different aspects in offices, hospital, establishments, even at home. Thus, computerized information system is a phenomenon to handle, for it adapts to relevant needs to different people. Foreign Literature An article entitled China’s Computer-aided Hospital Management System( Chih-Ho Yu & Ning Huang Washington,2004) states that China – Computer Hospital Management System 11/30/94 BEIJING, CHINA, 1994 NOV 30  A computer-aided hospital management system has been developed by Xinyuan Electronic Corporation, a subsidiary of the First Research Institute of the Electronic Industry Ministry of China. The company claims that, with its user-friendly interface and flexible networking the system is suitable for almost for all kinds of hospitals. The developed system is being used by several civil and military hospitals in Beijing, China. Currently, a complete system consists of nine subsystems, including clinic management, medical record management, in-patient department management, statistic department management, price management, dispensary management, preparation manufacturing management, and general manager information system. An application system for a specific hospital can be constructed by using some or all of these subsystems. The overall system software is developed in the C programming language on Novell networks. Its database files are claimed to be compatible with Xbase’s. All departments in the hospital can input their information at workstations and share information with other members on the network. The system offers menus and help information in Chinese. The system also uses advanced multimedia techniques. For example, the system gives voice output for price information and touch-screen- operation at pharmacy departments. An article entitled â€Å"With a Sharp focus on Pharmacy Medicine Shoppe posts double –digit gains†(Earl Smith, 2001) states that medical shoppe posts double digit gains narrates that part of its success is due to the number of Pharmacy specific innovations implemented over the past year. According to Ronald Hofmeister, R. Ph executive vice president of pharmacy operations. These innovations includes automation and work flow efficiencies, a program and an enhanced prescription compounding program. Looking at the retail pharmacy today and the challenges to making a profit, Hofmeister stated â€Å"Retail Pharmacy has a tremendous opportunity to properly position and fulfill our role as the provider of true, efficient, effective and accessible health care in any government prescription drug program for seniors, if we fail to do it correctly, retail will be challenged to remain profitable with only dispensing fees related to such programs. With this, the study should put into consideration the role of the Pharmaceutics Company in rendering services to the people fulfilling its commitments to give quality services by providing the right prescription drug will also result into a true and efficient health care to its customers. According to Flamholtz (2003) still defined that records would prove continuing records for system. These records reflect the result of the â€Å"cycle play sick record†. The computerization of record means agreement is beyond reducing operating cost mean agreement is beyond reducing operating cost of bill. It cannot make a decision for the user. It only shows what is happening. It is a management system that provides records usability throughout bound, receiving, order processing, storage and shipping. This system generates loading instruction and view release orders. Almost 500 companies information a series of standard software pack as compatible software packages from the company are designed to interface automated and manual materials storage system. Millar(2003) stated in his article entitled â€Å"New Technology will enhance patient care†the Calgary health region has entered into an agreement to purchase an innovative new health information system to better manage patient information support the delivery of high-quality care and enhance patient safety in its hospital. He said that patient care information system would provide timely access to information critical for clinical decision making, help reduce the potential for clinical decision making, help reduce potential for medical errors and speed up the flow of information that can be critical to saving lives. Having access to a complete and consiste
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