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The most effective method to Write a Book Review A book survey is a portrayal, basic investigation, and an assessment on the quality, which ...
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
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Sunday, May 24, 2020
Unemployment through United States - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1469 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/06/10 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Unemployment Essay Did you like this example? Social Problem: Unemployment Throughout the United States Presentation Working a strong nine to five occupation, adding to society, and paying your bills are a couple of qualities Americans endeavor to live by. None of these anyway can be practiced if a man is jobless. The joblessness rate in Hawaii is as of now at 4.6% (DoL, 2014), overall, the United States rate waits at 6.7% (Taborda, 2014). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Unemployment through United States" essay for you Create order Joblessness has had its social issue pulls set up for a long time now. The central government perceived this and all things considered started following joblessness appropriate around the 1950s. By utilizing the Conflict Theory point of view one can see that joblessness helps to social disparity, joblessness builds assessments to subsidize rehabilitative projects, it limits monetary development, lastly diminishes societal assurance, along these lines meeting the criteria of a social issue (Korgen and Furst, 2012). Despite the fact that joblessness has soar all through the US, which expands sorrow and vagrancy, society has executed professional projects to fight this social issue, elective strategies, for example, state supported employment position programs have been consolidated to fight the joblessness issue. Issue Scope Joblessness as a social issue has extended crosswise over America and impacts both huge and little economies all through. The joblessness rate in the territory of Hawaii has kept up its present dimension of 4.6%, which compares to simply over 30K individuals. In the United States all in all the issue has seen both high points and low points. The most elevated yearly joblessness rate was recorded in 1982 at 9.71% because of the most exceedingly terrible retreat since the gloom (PBS, 2013). The joblessness rate (as of Feb 2014) was at 7%. The U.S. saw its most reduced joblessness rate amid the Eisenhower organization counting in a 2.93% for 1953 (Manuel, 2014) and since has seen a noteworthy drop to 6.7% in December of 2013 (Burnett, 2014). Occupant specialists have broke down this social issue and have built up ends. Sociology specialists say the joblessness issue all through the United States varies dependent on development. As the country develops we gather more youth matured specialists. In 2012 youth joblessness enrolled a rate of 17.1%. Potential apparatuses to checking this issue are making occupations and joining apprenticeships (Sarachan, 2013). The apprenticeships enable the more youthful age of laborers to put into and test different employments. While youth joblessness represents a segment of this issue; the absence of employment creation is the most essential issue (Sarachan, 2013). Advancement of new flourishing organizations and reviving a considerable lot of the United States manufacturing plants would help check joblessness as well as. By making apprenticeships and occupations for both Americas childhood and prepared specialists a methodologically stable methodology is practiced. This methodology anyway does not battle the many negative reactions to joblessness to a great extent v agrancy and discouragement. Issue Consequences So as to keep up a house and the bills related with that family some sort of budgetary steadiness is required. Joblessness specifically influences the expansion or abatement of the vagrancy over the United States. Insights demonstrate higher joblessness rates in Hawaii added to an expansion in the vagrancy seen on the island of Oahu. Somewhere in the range of 2008 and 2009 the quantity of jobless expanded by 60%, this expansion added to the dramatically increased home abandonments in Hawaii (Steimetz, 2011). Because of the mind-boggling expense of living in Hawaii a significant number of the vagrants on the island of Oahu really keep up all day work. So with an effectively high vagrancy rate because of typical cost for basic items the joblessness factor significantly enhances this. Shockingly expanded times of joblessness can likewise prompt despondency. Singular effects of joblessness can cause huge mental pain frequently prompting extreme and potentially deadly melancholy. Sadness is a psychological issue characterized as a state of general enthusiastic discouragement and withdrawal (Collins, 2009). Individuals that are jobless are compelled to depend on outside help from family, city or state administrations. While not generally the situation, this searched out help may bring the shame of achievement. Research proposes being jobless pairs a mans shot of a noteworthy burdensome scene (Landau, 2012). Both of these outcomes of joblessness profoundly impact society. Society thusly has reacted after some time with techniques or projects to fight joblessness. Social orders Response Successfully beating joblessness is a continuous (potentially ceaseless) process. One strategy society has set up to beat joblessness has been professional preparing. State-Federal supported professional preparing furnishes jobless nationals with fundamental aptitudes required all through the network. This is ordinarily a win-win circumstance. The national is allowed the chance to acquire required assets, while the network is picking up a talented individual from society. Hawaii professional restoration program comprises of a five stage process, each progression helps in occupation arrangement. This state worked program helped just shy of six thousand individuals in 2012 (Hawaii gov, 2013). Notwithstanding formal government and state approaches networks have established less formal projects because of joblessness. Some less formal reactions to joblessness are businesses marginally diminishing increases in salary or retaining misfortunes, oil plants raising oil cost. By decreasing salary increases in a lessening economy business can clutch experienced individuals while looking after productivity. Managers in littler towns have additionally actually retained misfortunes to continue bigger quantities of representatives. At last, by raising oil costs organizations increment their net revenue and conceivably limit the development of populace inside the network. A little populace implies less employments required to fill. Exchange answers for joblessness have been instituted in Washington State. Elective Solutions In Washington State they have looked towards a substitute strategy to address their joblessness issue. The WorkSource program is a joint endeavor between associations that are committed to tending to Washington States business needs. Notwithstanding business, the program can likewise offer managers help with preparing existing laborers to redesign their abilities (WWCC, ND). While its anything but an adolescent explicit program, a significant number of the young populace utilize this program to discover work amid the mid year months while school is out of session. The late spring months are popularity for work escalated occupations (which are youth benevolent) in huge numbers of the farming corps all through Washington State. This transitory work obviously has the capability of getting to be perpetual, which can adequately address this social issue. One of the objectives of WorkSource isnt just to give business yet more significantly open doors for enduring vocations. This program as referenced is generally used to utilize youth or minors amid the late spring months. These minors have the chance to encounter distinctive occupations, which enables them to limit their profession decisions. While working with WorkSource offshoots they are additionally ready to got profitable preparing in many hands on callings. Defeats to this program are the look seasons and the state financing. While this program is offered all year, a large portion of the organizations are searching for brief full time representatives. The late spring months are is the main time most of the candidates can profit by WorkSource. Financing for WorkSource administrations originates from government awards, state and neighborhood assets (WWCC, ND). These assets tangle limit the number and length of positions accessible. Starting late financing has not affected the achievement of this program. These defeats in way, shape or frame exceed the advantages Washington States childhood (and grown-ups) collect from this program. End Joblessness has been looked out for and combat since the mid 1900s. In the wake of inquiring about and perusing this paper one could create musings and reflections that incorporate despondency and acknowledgment. While joblessness isnt wished on anybody it is in all likelihood a social issue with no closure. Hopefully, the joblessness rate can be overseen in a way that doesnt adversely affect financial aspects. Arrangements and projects set up help with reducing this appalling situation, called joblessness. These approaches and projects simply keep the monster under control. With a populace as large as United States (and developing inconceivably) it is extremely implausible to feel that joblessness will ever NOT be a social issue. With the average cost for basic items and working a business regularly expanding, managers are compelled to eliminate back or kill positions so as to accomplish more with less. This obviously an endless loop and a case of how one social issue covers with nu merous others. This record examined numerous profitable focuses and contacted a couple of regions of joblessness as a social issue. Recognizing a social issue and reacting to address the issue makes a superior domain to live in. The United States has seen both high and low joblessness rates since its commencement. Waiting joblessness has been has been connected to cause ruins, for example, vagrancy and sorrow. Because of this professional open doors have been offered to help those influenced. At long last, elective strategies, for example, Washington States WorkSource where referenced. Society will investigate and go up against joblessness and other social issues that pelage our lifestyle.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Women s Literature Oppression And The Role Of A Woman
Evan Rhodes Survey of World Literature December 1, 2014 Hartmann Women in Literature: Oppression and the Role of a Woman In early literature, men dominated the writers’ circuit. As literature began, it was used as an easily digestible way to promote social norms and moral code. In these texts, the role of women changes vastly depending on the culture, although there is a common theme: women exist to belong to a man. Women were not only oppressed in life, but their struggle is weaved into all of these texts, where in hindsight we can read them and see how belittled women were. These stories, written by men, all seem to have the same theme that a woman’s only value lays in her loyalty to her husband. Women in these times did not have a chance to speak out or think for themselves because they were not allowed. I looked specifically at three women from three stories, across culturally different times and societies. I chose Sita, from the Ramayana, Penelope, from Homer’s Odyssey, and the Wife of Bath from the Canterbury Tales. Look ing at the qualities of these different women, they are essential pieces to the success of the â€Å"hero†, a sidekick, almost. It was interesting to me, that across these different cultures, I found a lot of similarities between them. In the Ramayana, we see the hero, Rama, and his wife, Sita. Sita is described as the â€Å"ideal woman†. Rama is banished into the wilderness, and like a good wife, Sita goes with him, no matter how he objects. The Ramayana isShow MoreRelatedWomen s Liberty Through Literature1105 Words  | 5 PagesThrough Literature Kendall N. Player English 4 AP Literature Mrs. Johnson The role of women in society has been well documented through world literature. Works such as The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, Hamlet by William Shakespeare,The Education of Women by Daniel Defoe, and A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen. These works come from a wide variety of time periods, they range from the middle ages to the modern era, where the first was published around 900 years before the last. Women makeRead MoreThe Role Of Women During The Canterbury Tales By William Shakespeare And A Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen1028 Words  | 5 PagesThe role of women in society has been well documented through world literature. â€Å"And the reality is that for a large bulk of human history, women have been treated as the subordinate to men and have not been given a voice†(David Splawn, 2015). Works such as The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, Hamlet by William Shakespeare,The Education of Women by Daniel Defoe, and A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen. These works come from a wide variety of time periods, they range from the middle ages to theRead MoreWomen s Patriarchal Oppression By Kate Chopin Essay1621 Words  | 7 PagesNovember 2016 Women s Patriarchal Oppression Women have been denied social power and the right to various forms of self-expression during the 19th century. Feminism is the belief that women should be treated as equals to men and have the same opportunities. Feminist analysis discusses about topics such as women in society that s been through oppression, dehumanizing, and depression. Several brave female writers came forth during this period, to speak out against their oppression through the meansRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Charlotte Perkins Gilman1700 Words  | 7 PagesIn literature, there are many different components that create a timeless and classic text, such as personification, imagery, or symbolism. In some texts an author uses overbearing amounts of imagery to give us a vivid description of what is happening in the story, in others an author may give very little visual details, but instead incorporate countless allusions to help the reader better understand their story by alluding other popular works. Through t he use of themes and symbols, however, an authorRead MoreFeminism In The Necklace1068 Words  | 5 Pagesthat the traditional roles of men and women provide a lot of injustice to women. According to Barry â€Å"The women’s movement’ of the 1960s was not, of course, the start of feminism. Rather it was a renewal of an old tradition of thought and action already possessing its classic books which had diagnosed the problem of women inequality in the society and proposed solutions†(124). Traditionally a man was viewed as the head of the family and was in control of everything while the woman was just a powerlessRead MoreEveryday Use By Alice Walker1102 Words  | 5 Pagesbe read similar to Alice Walker s short story Everyday Use†both are compared by the women’s ways of showing their strengths and how they identify their values, expressions and strength. Advertised in the general outlines of the plot, both literary themes talks of a quest for fre edom, the characters identity and self-expression. Adrienne Rich â€Å"Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers†Alice Walker â€Å"Everyday Use†Comparison Paper Analyzing the two types of literature forms, a poem and a short storyRead More`` Please Fire Me `` By Deborah Garrison Essay1490 Words  | 6 PagesWomen have long been fighting for their right to be seen as equal to men. Even to this day, women continue to fight for their rights, things such as the right to non-gender discriminatory wages. While there may be some arguments over the state of gender equality in the modern world, it is undeniable that there have been great strides made toward recognizing the female s worth in the workforce and as a human being. Despite these strides, however, things are still not yet ideal for women and manyRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman936 Words  | 4 Pagesthe author Charlotte Perkins Gilman uses this story give a voice to the women that were dealing with oppression from men. Women during the time when this story was written were almost exclusively under the dominance of males. They were mainly house wives, and did what the male forced them to do. Many women were working in the house, and not allowed to leave, consequently making them lonely and depressed. Because of this, women were not as educated as men were, and did not have the power to do whatRead MoreWomen s Oppression By Margaret Atwood s Handmaid s Tale942 Words  | 4 PagesWomen’s oppression in the USA ​Themes in the literature refer to universal ideas that an author explores in their literary work to communicate a message. In Margaret Atwood’s Handmaid’s Tale, the author addresses diverse themes in the novel, focusing mainly on the oppression of women by the government, society, and men through sexual abuse, male chauvinism and according to women limited rights (Hammer, 47). ​In the book, Atwood tells the reader how women were used as political instruments. The stateRead MoreAnalysis of Charlotte Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper969 Words  | 4 PagesAnnotated Bibliography Frye, C.B. Using Literature in Health Care: Reflections on The Yellow Wallpaper. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy. (32: 7). 1998. 829.33. Print. Most people who wrote about The Yellow Wallpaper do so from the perspective of a literary scholar. This however is written by someone in the health care field. C.B. Frye says that fiction can impact the larger world; in this case it impacted mental health and the work of Gillmans doctor, S Weir Mitchell. Although the short story
Friday, May 15, 2020
Thirty Years War Battle of Rocroi
In early 1643, the Spanish launched an invasion of northern France with the goal of relieving pressure on Catalonia and Franche-Comtà ©. Led by General Francisco de Melo, the mixed army of Spanish and Imperial troops crossed the border from Flanders and moved through the Ardennes. Arriving at the fortified town of Rocroi, de Melo laid siege. In an effort to block the Spanish advance, the 21-year old Duc de dEnghien (later the Prince of Conde), moved north with 23,000 men. Receiving word that de Melo was at Rocroi, dEnghien moved to attack before the Spanish could be reinforced. Summary Approaching Rocroi, dEnghien was surprised to find that the roads to the town were not defended. Moving through a narrow defile flanked by woods and marsh, he deployed his army on a ridge overlooking the town with his infantry in the center and cavalry on the flanks. Seeing the French nearing, de Melo formed up his army in a similar fashion between the ridge and Rocroi. After camping overnight in their positions, the battle began early on the morning of May 19, 1643. Moving to strike the first blow, dEnghien advanced his infantry and the cavalry on his right. As the fighting began, the Spanish infantry, fighting in their traditional tercio (square) formations gained the upper hand. On the French left, the cavalry, despite dEnghiens orders to hold their position charged forward. Slowed by soft, marshy ground, the French cavalrys charge was defeated by the German cavalry of Grafen von Isenburg. Counterattacking, Isenburg was able to drive the French horsemen from the field and then moved to assault the French infantry. This strike was blunted by the French infantry reserve which moved forward to meet the Germans. While the battle was going poorly on the left and center, dEnghien was able to achieve success on the right. Pushing Jean de Gassions cavalry forward, with support from musketeers, dEnghien was able to rout the opposing Spanish cavalry. With the Spanish horsemen swept from the field, dEnghien wheeled Gassions cavalry around and had them strike the flank and rear of de Melos infantry. Charging into the ranks of German and Walloon infantry, Gassions men were able to force them to retreat. As Gassion was attacking, the infantry reserve was able to break Isenburgs assault, compelling him to retire. Having gained the upper hand, by 8:00 AM dEnghien was able to reduce de Melos army to its vaunted Spanish tercios. Surrounding the Spanish, dEnghien pummeled them with artillery and launched four cavalry charges but was unable to break their formation. Two hours later, dEnghien offered the remaining Spanish terms of surrender similar to those given to a besieged garrison. These were accepted and the Spanish were permitted to depart the field with their colors and weapons. Aftermath The Battle of Rocroi cost dEnghien around 4,000 dead and wounded. Spanish losses were much higher with 7,000 dead and wounded as well as 8,000 captured. The French victory at Rocroi marked the first time the Spanish had been defeated in a major land battle in nearly a century. Though they had failed to crack, the battle also marked the beginning of the end for the Spanish tercio as a favored fighting formation. After Rocroi and the Battle of the Dunes (1658), armies began shifting to more linear formations. Selected Sources: The French Phase of the Thirty Years WarFrance and the Thirty Years War
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
White Lion Animal Facts
White lions are part of the general classification of lions, Panthera leon. They are not albinos; they lack the tawny coloration due to a rare condition that results in reduced pigmentation. Because of their majestic appearance, they have been revered as sacred beings by tribes in southern Africa, but have also been hunted to extinction in the wild. They are now being reintroduced in protected areas by the Global White Lion Protection Trust. Fast Facts Scientific Name: Panthera leoCommon Names: White lionOrder: CarnivoraBasic Animal Group: MammaliaSize: Up to 10 feet long and 4 feet high for males and up to 6 feet long and 3.6 feet for femalesWeight: Up to 530 pounds for males and up to 400 pounds for femalesLife Span: 18 yearsDiet: Small birds, reptiles, hoofed mammalsHabitat: Savannah, woodland, desertPopulation: 100s in captivity and 13 in the wildConservation Status: VulnerableFun Fact: White lions are symbols of leadership and pride to local communities in the Timbavati region. Description White lions have a rare recessive trait that causes their white skin coloration. Unlike albino animals that lack pigmentation, white lions’ rare gene produces lighter pigmentation. Whereas albinos have pink or red coloration to their eyes and noses, white lions have blue or gold eyes, black features on their noses, â€Å"eye-liner,†and dark patches behind their ears. Male white lions may have white, blonde, or pale hair in their manes and on the ends of their tails. The white lion is a result of a genetic condition is known as leucism, a rarity where a recessive mutation in the gene causes the lion’s coat to vary from near-white to blonde. Boy_Anupong / Getty Images Habitat and Distribution The natural habitat of a white lion includes savannas, woodlands, and desert areas. They are indigenous to the Greater Timbavati region in southern Africa and are currently protected at the Central Kruger Park in South Africa. After being hunted to extinction in the wild, white lions were reintroduced in 2004. With the ban on trophy hunting in the Timbavati region and surrounding nature preserves, the first white cubs were born in the area in 2006. Kruger Park had its first occurrence of white lion cub births in 2014. Diet and Behavior White lions are carnivores, and they eat a variety of herbivorous animals. They hunt gazelles, zebras, buffaloes, wild hares, tortoises, and wildebeests. They have sharp teeth and claws that allow them to attack and kill their prey. They hunt by stalking their prey in packs, patiently waiting for the right time to strike. Lions typically kill their prey by strangulation and the pack consumes the carcass at the site of the kill. Reproduction and Offspring This is a two week old white lion cub. Tambako the Jaguar / Moment / Getty Images Like tawny lions, white lions reach sexual maturity between ages three and four. Most white lions are bred and born in captivity, usually in zoos. Those in captivity may mate on a yearly basis, while those in the wild mate about every two years. Lion cubs are born blind and rely on their mother for the first two years of life. A lioness usually gives birth to two to four cubs in a litter. In order for there to be a chance that some of the offspring will be white lions, the parents either need to be white lions or carry the rare white lion gene. Since the animal must bear two recessive alleles to exhibit the trait, there are three scenarios in which a white lion cub might be born. If both parents are tawny and carry the gene, there is a 25% chance the offspring will be a white cub; if one parent is a white lion and the other is tawny with the gene, there is a 50% chance the offspring will be a white cub; and if both parents are white lions, there is a 100% chance the offspring will be a white cub. Threats The biggest threat to white lions is uncontrolled trading and hunting of lions. Trophy hunting of dominant males of prides has reduced the gene pool, making white lion occurrences much more rare. Additionally, programs that wish to breed white lions for profit modify their genes. In 2006, two cubs were born in the Umbabat Nature Reserve and two more were born in the Timbavati Reserve. None of the cubs, including the tawny ones, survived due to the killing of the dominant male lions of both prides for trophies. Since 2008, 11 white lion cubs have been spotted in and around the reserves of Timbavati and Umbabat. Genetics  John McKeen / Moment / Getty Images White lions are leucistic, which means they have a rare gene that causes them to have less melanin and other pigments than non-leucistic animals. Melanin is a dark pigment found in skin, hair, fur, and eyes. In leucism, there is a total or partial lack of pigment producing cells known as melanocytes. The rare recessive gene responsible for leucism is a color inhibitor that causes the lion to lack darker pigmentation in some areas, but retain pigmentation in the eyes, nose, and ears. Due to their light skin, some have suggested that white lions are at a genetic disadvantage when compared to their tawny counterparts. Many people have argued that white lions are unable to camouflage themselves and hide from predators and marauding male lions in the wild. In 2012, PBS released a series called White Lions, which followed the survival of two female white lion cubs and the struggles they experienced. This series, as well as a 10-year scientific study on the topic, demonstrated just the opposite. In their natural habitat, white lions were able to camouflage themselves and were just as much of an apex predator as wild tawny lions. Cultural and Social Significance In countries like Kenya and Botswana, white lions are symbols of leadership, pride, and royalty, and are viewed as national assets. They are considered sacred to the local Sepedi and Tsonga communities of the Greater Timbavati region. Conservation Status Colin Langford / Getty Images Since white lions are included in the general classification for lions (Panthera leo), they are designated as vulnerable according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). In 2015, the conservation authority in South Africa proposed to down-list the conservation status of all lions to Least Concern. Doing so would put white lions at serious risk of becoming extinct in the wild once again. The Global White Lion Protection Trust is currently pushing for the classification to be moved to Endangered. Sources Bittel, Jason. Rare White Lion Cub Seen In South Africa. National Geographic, 2018, https://www.nationalgeographic.com/news/2018/03/white-lion-cub-born-wild-south-africa-kruger-leucistic/.Global White Lion Protection Trust Briefing. Parliamentary Monitoring Group, 2008, https://pmg.org.za/committee-meeting/8816/.Key White Lion Facts. Global White Lion Protection Trust, https://whitelions.org/white-lion/key-facts-about-the-white-lion/.Lion. IUCN Red List Of Threatened Species, 2014, https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/15951/115130419#taxonomy.Mayer, Melissa. â€Å"Life Cycle of the Lion.†Sciencing, 2 Mar. 2019, https://sciencing.com/life-cycle-lion-5166161.html. PBS. White Lions. 2012, https://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/white-lions-introduction/7663/.Tucker, Linda. On White Lion Conservation, Culture, And Heritage. Parliamentary Monitoring Group, 2008, pp. 3-6, http://pmg-assets.s3-website-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/docs/080220linda.pdf.Turner, Jason. White Lions - All The Facts And Questions Answered. Global White Lion Protection Trust, 2015, https://whitelions.org/white-lion/faqs/. Accessed 6 Aug 2019.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Preschool Programs And The Universal Preschool - 2914 Words
Preschool programs are designed specifically to make sure that children are ready for kindergarten and will be able to succeed in school by third grade. All preschool programs have three characteristics in common. They are governed by high program standards, are open to 3 and 4 year–olds, and focus on school readiness. The term universal preschool means that preschool programs are available to any child in a given state, regardless of family income, children’s abilities, or any other factors (Colker). Like Kindergarten in most states, the concept of the Universal Preschool Movement is to have a voluntary program, unlike compulsory elementary. Universal preschool would make preschool programs available to any child in a given state, regardless of family income, children’s abilities, or other factors. Several states are on the path to funding universal preschool currently. Some states have preschool programs that are not universal and have targeted audiences, either children from families with low incomes or children from families with various risk factors that could affect their learning. In Arkansas, for example, in addition to family income level, eligibility is based on children having risk factors including placement in foster care, a parent on active military duty, or family violence (Arkansas DHS). Many states have similar programs intended to help high risk children attend preschool. Universal preschool would give every family the opportunity to send their children toShow MoreRelatedEarly Childhood Education Is The Potential For Many Significant Outcomes1460 Words  | 6 Pagesmany significant outcomes if universal preschools were put into place. Early childhood education has many benefits and there is the potential for many significant outcomes if universal preschools were put into place. Some feel that children who start kindergarten without previously attended preschool sometimes lack certain skills such as social and communication skills and an inability to follow routines. There were also studies done that found attending preschool could help to close the achievementRead MoreShould the Government Fund Public Preschools?1739 Words  | 7 PagesEarly Childhood Education is a core foundation for providing children the head start to develop into successful life long learners. Public preschool programs around the nation have been established to help children with learning difficulties, language barriers, health disabilities and who come from poverty, to become successful in school. Early intervention programs set forth aspirations to close the academic achievement gap in our nation. The importance of early intervention for children and their familiesRead MorePre K For All By Mayor De Blasio Essay1657 Words  | 7 PagesPre-K to all 4-year-old New York City children under New York’s Universal Pre-K program. His goal was to increase the number of free full day program seats from the 19,287, in 2013-2014, to 53,604 by 2014-2015. (â€Å"Mayor de Blasio Announces Over 68,500 Students Enrolled in Pre-K for All†, 2015) The program succeeded at reaching ddeBlasio’s goals and by 2014-2015 school year, 65,563 children were enrolled in Pre-K for All programs. (â€Å"Mayor de Blasio Announces Over 68,500 Students Enrolled in Pre-KRead MorePreschool Is Not Mandatory For Children1301 Words  | 6 PagesWhen most people think about preschool, they think about a group of 3-4 year olds coloring or playing as teacher watches them waiting for their parental guardian to pick them up after work. 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Dreams Are From The Book Your Soul Is Writing About You
Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you Marsha Norman The Interpretation of Dreams was published by Sigmund Freud in the year 1900 as a thought provoking compilation of ideas surrounding the cognitive processes of dreaming. Although it has been translated and edited since its original publishing date, it reads as if to hold true to Freudian fashion; addressing levels of consciousness and their effects on how specific dreams are formed. Freud makes a clear and reverent effort to acknowledge others theories, as well as his own, in an attempt to explain the unexplainable. His focus throughout the text is to hypothesize on how regression, resistance, and censorship all play a delicate role in the remembrance and interpretation of ones dreams. It is Freud’s skillful application of resistance and censorship that grants further contemplation of why dreams are so soon to fade and be forgotten upon awakening. It is also this application that guides the reader into how these two processes may require one to use free association to interpret such dreams. Resistance and censorship are explained by Freud as a cognitive process that happens due to the separation of waking and sleeping states. He presents the idea that while one sleeps, the cognitive censorship used throughout waking hours is significantly reduced, making dreams possible. However, immediately present upon awakening is mental resistance, resulting in the â€Å"forgetting†or â€Å"fragmenting†ofShow MoreRelated Virgil’s Vision of the Underworld and Reincarnation in Book VI of the Aeneid1280 Words  | 6 PagesReincarnation in Book VI of the Aeneid â€Å"Virgil paints his sad prophetic picture of the Underworld in shadowy halftones fraught with tears and pathos. His sources are eclectic, but his poetic vision is personal and unique†(Lenardon, 312). 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When we think about an artist first three topics come to mind are a painter, musician, and dancer. I get the impression that writers are further down the list of potential artists. When you search for the word artist in google search, you would find it as one who professes skills and practices an imaginative art. Nevertheless, when you look at the Merriam-Webster dictionary you will find it as one who is adept at something. In this way, if the writer is very good, writing can be an art. ExperiencesRead MoreHow Can You Reinvent Yourself?1589 Words  | 7 PagesMaybe we have always had a dream but felt that we had plenty of time in the future to pursue it and suddenly we realize that maybe time is running out. Sometimes people ignore these feelings, burying them deep inside for months, years, even forever. I am going to suggest you take a different route, one of reinvention. Reinvent your life, reinvent yourself. And the most important thing is to start today. The second most important thing is to plan a different path from what you have done in the past when
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Short Essay On Sir Isaac Newton Example For Students
Short Essay On Sir Isaac Newton Sir Isaac Newton was born on December 25, 1642 in Woolsthorpe, near Lincolnshire. He was a famous mathematician and physicist who made many contributions in the progress of science. Newton, along with Gottfried Leibniz invented the branch of math called calculus. In the summer of 1661, he was sent to Trinity College at the University of Cambridge where he received his bachelors degree. In 1667, he returned there, after taking two years off, and got his masters degree. Newtons first major achievement was in mathematics. He generalized the methods that were being used to draw tangents to curves and to calculate the area swept by curves, and he saw that the two procedures were inverse operations. By joining them in what he calls the fluxional method, he developed calculus. Although Newton invented calculus he didnt introduce it to Europe. In 1675, Leibniz figured the same thing and told Europe about calculus. Newton was always afraid of criticism and publication so he kept all of his discoveries to himself. However, enough was known about his abilities to appoint him as a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge. Another area of Newtons early interests was optics. When he tried explaining how colors occur, he concluded that sunlig ht is a heterogeneous blend of different rays and that reflections cause colors to appear by separating that blend into its components. He demonstrated this by passing a beam of sunlight through a prism which separated the beam into different colors. Newton is probably best known for discovering universal gravitation, which explains all bodies in space and on earth are affected by the force called gravity. He published his theory in his book Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. Not only was Newton interested in science and math, he also showed interest in alchemy, mysticism, and theology. Newton died in 1727. Sources1. Sir Isaac Newton Encarta Interactive Encyclopedia, 1996
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Research Paper on BHP Billiton @Myassignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the BHP Billiton. Answer: Introduction This research paper is primarily concerned with the strategic management of the organization. In order to sustain the growth in the global competitive market, it is necessary for the management of the organization to adopt and implement strategies. Before implementing strategies for the organization, the management of the organization has to understand the internal and externals factors of the organization. After understanding the demand of the service users, the management of the organization has to implement strategies (Birkinshaw, 2004). There is no specific definition of strategies, as the strategy of the organization depends on the organizational structure. Strategies should be adopted on the basis of several factors like competitive position of the company, supply chain analysis, value chain analysis and most importantly culture of the organization. This research paper is going to excavate strategic management with the help of the Resource Based Views, Core Competencies, VRIO model, Value Chain Analysis. With the increasing demand of the customers and rapid changes in the market growth, the mangers and leaders of the organization have to undertake several strategies (Dess and Miller, 2003). To retain the growth of the company in the competitive market, it is mandatory that strategies should be innovative. Overview of the company BHP Billiton is the Australian Mining and Petroleum company and the headquarter of this company is in the Melbourne. From the survey of 2013, it is determined as the largest mining company of the world (Hitt, et al, 2009).This company is considered as the largest resource group, which has diversified market and the organization have global portfolio regarding the quality asset. Resources, Capabilities and core competencies: Resources: There are two types of Resources, one is Tangible and another is Intangible. Tangible resource is the resources, which can be seen such as equipments and employees. On the other hand, Intangible resources are the resources, which cannot be seen like service or competitors strength. Resources, capabilities and core competencies are all inter-related. Resources help to judge the capabilities of the organization and with the help of the capabilities core-competencies can be understood (Jeyarathnam, 2008). Resources are the source of a firms capabilities. The management of BHP Billiton has to understand the resources of the organization. There are different types of resources in the organization, on which activities of the organization is depending. Resources help to cover the organizational phenomenon; management of the organization has to understand that the need of the resources and use those resources collaboratively to win the competitive advantages (Grundy, 2004). Resour ces of BHP are asset of the company and assets of the company includes human resources, branding, loyalty, equipments, goods, capital equipments, and financial capabilities of the company, skills and knowledge of the employees. The management of the organization has to understand that there is a significant difference between tangible and intangible resources (Foss, 2007). Management should use the tangible and intangible so that organization can create capabilities. Moreover, the capabilities of the organization are structures in such a way that generate core competencies. The tangible resources of the BHP are Financial Resources including the borrowing capacity of the firm and ability of the firm to generate internal funds. Besides planning, controlling and coordination system are the most significant resources. Along with that, Physical Resources are the equipments, building or plants of the company and location of the company (Grundy, 2004). Raw materials are also known as the physical resources of the company. Intangible resources are the stock of technology like the trademarks, trade secrets and copyrights. Patents are considered as the technological resources. Some examples of Tangible resources are the Human resources, Brand Name or reputational resources and innovation resources. Tangible resources of the BHP Billiton are Cash, Human Resources and equipments for production. Intangible Resources for BHP Billiton are Copy Rights, patents, Motivation to the employees and reward management in the organization. Capabilities: Among the several other resources, the management of the organization has to determine the correct resources for the organization, which helps in incorporating the ultimate goals (Barney and Hesterly. 2008). With the help of correct integration and interaction, the organization can able to avail ultimate success. With the combination of the tangible and intangible resources the capabilities of the organization can be determined (Sadler, 2003). Core competencies: Resources and Capabilities are the sources of competitive advantages, core competencies helps to determine the three key criteria. It helps the competitors to not to intimate with the competitors easily; products and service can be reused and ensure that customers are getting desired products. With the help of the Resource Based View, management can determine three factors (Saloner, et al, 2001). VRIO Framework With the help of the VRIO framework, researcher can able to determine the position of the organization. Value: Value helps to determine the cost of the resources and how easily these resources can be obtained from the market. With the help of this framework, the management of the BHP Billiton has to depend on the resources for the better service. The manager is entitled to determine the cost of the resources and maintained availability of resources so that process can be done smoothly. Rareness: This Factor help to determine the availability of the resources if the resources of the organization are limited in that case the production of the organization will suffer definitely (Powalla, Bresser and Marewski, 2009). There are several resources, on which the activities of the organization are dependent, so it is necessary for the management of the organization to make the goods available. If the management is unable to arrange the resources time to time then the organizational process can be suffered. From the survey of BHP Billiton, it can be assured that management has always successfully maintained resources so no such problem has been occurred. Imitation: Imitation is often fruitful for the growth of the organization. Vale and Rio Tinto are the major competitors of the organization and several strategies are adopted for keeping the growth of the market (Special Issue of Strategic Organization: "Strategic Management Theory and Universities", 2015).BHP Billiton should understand the strategies of different organizations and imitate those strategies with innovative process of implementation. Marketing manager must understand the strategies of different competitors and apply those strategies in innovative way. Organization: After managing the resources, the management of the BHP Billiton allocates the resources properly. It is the duty of the organization to use the resources effectively and this will be beneficial for the organization. Management should understand that all the resources of the organization whether it is tangible or in tangible should use strategically. Strategically use of the resources helps the BHP Billiton to sustain its position in the global competitive market (Barney and Hesterly, 2010). Among the several other resources, the BHP Billiton has successfully managed the Human Resources. Value Chain Analysis To understand the value chain analysis of the organization, it is the sole responsibility of the management of the organization to determine the value chain analysis of Oil and Gas Industry (Foss, 2007). Value Chain Analysis of the Oil and Gas Industry is the essential source for data. It helps to determine the strategic insight of BHP Billiton. Value Chain is a useful tool that helps to determine or create value for the customers (Powell, 2014). The ultimate goal of this analysis is to set a specific margin of profit that can be earned by offering the customers a definite level of value against the products and services by BHP Billiton. All the activities that are carried out in the organization tend to create value for the customers associated and thus it helps the company to earn a specific margin of profit thereby enabling them to attain success and competitive advantage. The profit margin of the company depends widely upon the effectiveness of executing its operations so as to g ain the interests and loyalty of the customers for satisfying them (Oliveira and Gimeno, 2014). By such intervention, the customers will feel encouraged to buy products and services from the company and therefore the customers purchasing costs will exceed the overall cost of the activities performed in the value chain of the company. Thus it can be said that following a proper value chain procedure, BHP Billiton is able to understand the costs of the activities in a better way and constrict them out of all the activities related to the value chain. Moreover by putting emphasis on those activities or operations, the company will be likely to earn the desired margin of profit and showcase their capabilities of performing better than the competitors. Culture Culture of the Organization plays a significant role in determining the position of the company in global competitive world. Culture helps to determine the behavior of the employees and share the ideas and beliefs of the company (Birkinshaw, 2004). There are many layers in the company, among several layers, some layers are visible and some layers are invisible. Culture helps to shape the behavior of the behavior of the activities of BHP Billiton. In BHP Billiton manager of the organization has followed two types of culture one is Normative and another is Academy Culture. Higher authority of the organization has managed the norms and procedures of the organization so that everything can be done by following the existing guidelines. BHP Billiton is the renowned company and it needs several skilled and knowledgeable staffs for running the business. Academic Culture helps to ensure that all the staffs are educated and skilled Foss, N. (2007). Strategic Issues Along with the effective strategies for the organization, the management of the organization has to face several challenges. BHP Billiton is the leading company energy-oriented good manufacturing company, so it can be said that the company has contributed in global warming. Green Houses gases and climate change are consumed by the fossil fuel (Special Issue of Strategic Organization: "Strategic Management Theory and Universities", 2015). BHP has to undertake the Regulatory Changes and implement those changes to tackle the climate change. Service users are getting conscious about the change in the environment, so it is a posing threat for the organization to run the business (Harris, 2011). In 2010, Australian Government has declared that the Australian Governing Body is trying to increase the chance of the renewable energy by 20%. Due to the upcoming changes in the marker, the regulations have been changed and to minimize the profit percentage, the company has undertaken several poli cies (Birkinshaw, 2004). From the light of the above analysis, it can be determined that the negative environmental impact on BHP Billiton can affect the financial performance of the company. Due to several regulations, from the Australian Governing Body, BHP Billiton is forced to close the Nickel Mine and after that company has to face severe Downturn, this problem has occurred due to lack of effective strategies (Birkinshaw, 2004). Conclusion: From the above analysis of the paper, it can be concluded that this research paper is primarily concerned with the Strategic Management of BHP Billion. With the help of several tools and techniques, the strategies can be developed. VRIO Framework helps to determine the necessary resources of the organization and after understanding the external and internal factors, the issues in the strategies can be determined. The VRIO Framework can manage the resources. The management of the organization should undertake the strategies, which are beneficial for the company (Jeyarathnam, 2008). The issues are affecting the positive image of the company and imprinting a negative image on the mind of the service users. On the other hand, above-mentioned two cultures are playing a symbolic role in shaping the performance of the employees as well as performance of the organization ("Co-creating strategic risk-return management", 2010). References Barney, J. and Hesterly, W. (2010). Strategic management and competitive advantage. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Barney, J.B. and Hesterly, W.S., 2008.Strategic management and competitive advantage: Concepts and cases. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Birkinshaw, J. (2004). Strategic management. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Pub. Co-creating strategic risk-return management. (2010).Strategic Direction,26(7). Dess, G. and Miller, A. (1993). Strategic management. New York: McGraw-Hill. Foss, N. (2007). Strategic belief management. Strategic Organization, 5(3), pp.249-258. Grundy, T. (2004). Rejuvenating strategic management: the Strategic Option Grid. Strat. Change, 13(3), pp.111-123. Harris, E. (2011). Strategic Project Risk Appraisal and Management.Strategic Direction,27(4). Hitt, M., Ireland, R. and Hoskisson, R. (1999). Strategic management. Cincinnati: South-Western College Pub. Jeyarathnam, M. (2008). Strategic management. Mumbai: Himalaya Pub. House. Oliveira, A. and Gimeno, A. (2014). Supply chain management strategy. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Education. Powalla, C., Bresser, R. and Marewski, J. (2009). Performance forecasts in uncertain environments: comparing the VRIO-framework with the recognition heuristic and analyst ratings. Berlin: Freie Univ. Powell, T. (2014). Strategic management and the person.Strategic Organization,12(3), 200-207. Reeves, T. (2005). Communication clarity in strategic management data sources. Strategic Organization, 3(3), pp.243-278. Sadler, P. (2003). Strategic management. Sterling, VA: Kogan Page. Saloner, G., Shepard, A. and Podolny, J. (2001). Strategic management. New York: John Wiley. Special Issue of Strategic Organization: "Strategic Management Theory and Universities". (2015). Strategic Organization, 13(4), pp.365-367.
Nursing and Consent free essay sample
Consent is defined by NHS Choices (2010) as: the principle that a person must give their permission before they receive any type of medical treatment. l Under the Nursing and Midwifery Council (hereafter NMC) code of conduct (enforced in May, 2008) the patient can either extend or withdraw his consent regarding treatment after which ne should be or cannot be treated as per his wishes respectively. Cowan ( observed that the idea underlying this is to empower patient to acknowledge the treatment options available to them and choose whether or not they want to have it. Therefore, a nurse cannot administer the treatment to a patient if he withholds his consent about the treatment. As per NMC, there are three over-riding professional responsibilities to obtain a valid consent. These are quoted as below: To make the care of people their first concern and ensure they gain consent before they begin any treatment or care. 2 Ensure that the process of establishing consent is rigorous, transparent and demonstrates a clear level of professional accountability. 3 Accurately record all discussions and decisions relating to obtaining consent. 4 The NMC Code (2008) also states that, make the care of people your first concern, treating them as individuals and respecting their dignity. Scott (et al. 2003) observed that being respected implies that not to treat patients against their will. Tomkin Hanafin (1995) observed that respecting the patients autonomy means respecting his consent. Mason Laurie (2010) observed that Just because the healthcare professional believed that the treatment was appropriate doesnt mean that the patient must undergo it, consent must be obtained. Failure to do so amounts to the crime of battery in English law. Booth (2002) observed that patients should not be subjected to treatment by any health professional unless their consent is at hand. He further observed that pre-requisites of obtaining valid consent include informing patient regarding disease, diagnosis, options regarding types of treatment, consequences that might or might not take place as a result of treatment to the patient. Thus, if a nurse treats the patient without his consent it would amount to treating him against his will which would constitute a crime of battery on nurses part. It is therefore imperative that before administering the treatment, nurse btains consent of patient. However, consent alone is not sufficient; it must be valid as well. Therefore, the NMC code also requires from nurses that in order to obtain a valid consent it must be obtained from a competent individual i. e. one who possesses the capacity to consent. Furthermore, if a person is giving consent on behalf of another, he must be lawfully appointed. No one can give consent for someone who possesses the mental capacity to give consent. (Mental Capacity Act 2005) Consent is considered to enhance partnership between practitioner (e. g. nurse) and patient. Providing information alone is not sufficient, communication is the key to obtain valid consent. There exists difference between merely giving information and communicating effectively with patient about the information. Bristol Inquiry Recommendations are helpful in understanding the difference regarding this. These are quoted below: The process of informing the patient, and obtaining consent on a course of a treatment, should be regarded as a process and not a one-off event consisting of obtaining a patients signature on a form. The process of consent should apply not only to surgical procedures but all clinical procedures and xaminations which involve any form of touching. This must not mean more forms: it means more communication. As part of the process of obtaining consent, except when they have indicated otherwise, patients should be given sufficient information about what is to take place, the risks, uncertainties, and possible negative consequences of the proposed treatment, about any alternatives and about the likely outcome, to enable them to make a choice about now to proceed 5 Besides, it a person lacks mental capacity to give valid consent, nurses caring for such a person hould be involved in assessing the treatment to be administered. However, they must be aware of the legislation regarding mental capacity, ensuring that people who lack capacity remain at the centre of decision making and are fully safeguarded. 6 The Mental Capacity Act (2005) offers assistance regarding capacity. The Act applies to all aged 16 and above and to those with learning disability, dementia, brain injury, autism and mental health issues. The Act presumes capacity in relation to adults unless situation exists otherwise. It requires extending all sorts f help to the person in question before drawing conclusion that they cannot consent. Even an apparently unwise decision if is extended by a person of full mind must be respected and adhered to. Doing something for those who lack the capacity to consent must be done in the best of their interests and it should be least restrictive of their independence and rights. However, exceptions to this include: emergency situations and mentally incapacitated people. Emergency situation might involve someone who has temporarily become unable to consent e. g. due to in unconscious state of mind. In such instance he may be given necessary treatment to save life. The law in such instance allows medical practitioners such as nurses and doctors to administer treatment without the consent of person in so far it is in his best interest. There are some situations where courts must be referred to for lawfulness of administration of treatment for a person unable to consent. These include: withdrawing the patient from persistent vegetative state, sterilization for the purpose of contraception, obtaining tissue for bone marrow, where the doubt exists regarding the capacity of the person.
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